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    lundi, janvier 10, 2005

    1st Day of The 2nd Week Of 2oo5
    Time : 5.00 pm

    hello ! i`m currently suffering from Monday Blues . let`s see ..

    went sch with my gigantic bag . -.-" how i wish ima witch , and i can just strink my bag smaller and make the side pockets disappear . gee ~ im dreaming .

    had reading in the PAC to let a reporter take pictures of us . -.- i was burying my head beneath the newspapers desperately . had PE ! measured height and weight . to those curious people ! height : 168 cm weight : 44kg yaya ~ say whatever u want . but im not satisfied with the numbers . =( ran "3" rounds and went slacking . haha ~

    nth much happened after that , i guess . lessons are getting boring-er and boring-er . i cant believe i have to sit at my seat for roughly 8 more mths facing the same teachers and the same surroundings . oh ya , and the same teasings coming constantly from beside beside mie . -.-

    koonann went to draw on my notebook when i went toilet !! >=( drew an ugly dinosuar . "no dinosaurs allowed" and a shit too , which was labelled as my food . idiotic ! the guys kept commenting abt my bag . -.-

    amelia went out with her sister , huiling.joyce went orchard , while stefanie.mie walk to da bus stop together . met huixian.weizhen.koonann thr . haha ~ all gossiping abt sm couple . lol . chatted on the bus and went home ! my mum was so surprised to see mie home , and wondered aloud whether the clock`s too slow . gee !

    nth already ! woowie ~ found lots of nice quotes . x)

    we make great friends , but it just isn`t the same

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