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    jeudi, avril 28, 2005

    shopping later !
    Time : 5.15 pm

    had English P1/2. it's alright, i think. who's interested in my story?? here goes (you have to read it no matter what. if not u can simply leave. (:) :

    i was on my way to mee my friend and my bag dropped on the floor, revealing all the valuables i had along with me. i bought ALOT of money out cause i wanted to shop like crazy. this old man asked for my help, cause his kitty was stuck on the tree ! being a good Samaritian (ahem!), i helped him without any hesitation. had height-phobia, so i climbed the tree without looking down. he offered to carry my bag f0r me, since i can't hold it while climbing. when i come down, (i added some pepper, and said that i fell as well) the old man was gone! and so was my bag. (: see ! i got cheated.

    i just had to write something about my bag, since i really did lose my bag. :D p2 was fine, i do hope i can do well ! had SS remedial after that. total boredom. no one to talk to me! thank God i had my phone with me. went down to see people grab bites and came up. the guys were have westling matches. -.-" Joyce's heart confirm very very pain. =P

    Physics remedial was very boring too. wait for the girls and was wet (grrr..) when i left. had lunch at LJS and started talking dirty. -.-" i don't even know why and how we started that topic ! lol. the manager there sucked. she obviously hadn't been digging her ears for ages, or maybe she's acting dumb.

    home now ! shopping with my mum later. i do now we're hitting town. i'll die if it's Parkway or Bugis. so sick of such places already !

    good luck everyone for Chinese ! (:
    i hate it when you ignore me. ):

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