I'M SORRY, MY DEARESTS! I'm sorry it took me like 5 days to start posting up photos. Dang.Look. I even found this photo outta nowhere. I have no idea why it's in this latest folder and I'm pretty sure this photo isn't new.. But i can't remember it's from when.. Whatever.
So yeah. Let's walk down memory lane back to Tuesday, shall we?
It was PAPERS' reunion day cum valentine day celebration!
Dear Huixian couldn't make it 'cause her family was having reunion dinner in advance. Boo. :(
All thanks to the STM in me, I CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT figure out how the evening started and whether the sequence of the photos (damn, you might be seeing the Wednesday photos now, instead of the Tuesday ones) is correct, but WHATEVER. (I'm in a xl mood now :D)
I'm guessing I met up with Amelia first and we cam-whored.
I remembered waiting for Stefanie and Joyce for DAMN long at Citylink with Amelia, while the girls crawled from Suntec City. Advance to Marina Bay for steamboat! :)
The food was okay at Chomp Pang or something and the gu niangs couldn't stop shrieking and yelling at the oil splattering.
All the chao gu niangs. Hahahaha.
I swear I wasn't one of the girlies shrieking and shrieking and poking meat on the tepanyaki grill with their chopsticks while standing a good 5-foot away. I TOTALLY SWEAR.
Amelia had to leave early to meet a friend and we exchanged Valentine presents! :)
The girlies were all damn sweet lah. I am so glad to be pampered by them! However, I was to busy busying with the presents such that I forgot the important Kodak moment. Dang.Missing one, but all is still good!
I like seeing how much we're morphed to such gorgeous babes.
Right-o! Wednesday was a bore 'cause my first lesson starts at 8am. =( The only significant thing about this Wednesday is that i have to wait 5 hours for Psychology and it's gonna be the last week! HIP HIP HORRAY.
I hate TP for making my Wednesdays so horrible with the 3/4/5 hours break and do you have ANY idea just how much an hour cost??My groupmates and Mr Brian! :) Awww~ I love them so much. You people better not just vanish from my life alright! ;) *hugs and kisses*
After Psychology, I met up with Amelia, Christine and Daphne who all had roses, except me. :(So I get to take a photo with the lovely roses, which erm.. couldn't stop shedding petals.
We bumped into Jiayang on the way to the MRT station, who was going for the shagged look with his hair all over the place. =SBy the way, Amelia was standing on a kerb to look taller. =x WAHAHA. And I hate the fact that Jiayang had to bend with much difficulties to fit into the frame.
We went to catch the EPIC MOVIE which was a pretty much lame show. We were supposed to have the Jumbo Hotdog Combos but the hot dogs weren't delivered to us, even after the movie ended.
I. Was. Very. Pissed. And. Hungry.
Grrr. Oh wells.. At least we got a refund and the drinks were on the house. :DWe had food and having too much time to spare, we went to queue up for donuts at the Donut Factory or something. Damn. I suddenly miss it so much.
I like queuing up for stuff with friends. It's like, time for us to catch up more and cam-whore even more. Heh heh.
Damn. I simply LOVE this warped photo, which couldn't detect Amelia's face. Stefanie and I look like retards.
YOU KNOW WHAT. I totally forgot to blog that Wednesday was Valentine's day until Aikchun asked me how was mine, so well.. check out how emo we were.
Bring us 3 hot dudes and perhaps.. it'll be a better one.
Thursday was the last day of my first year.
Thursday was also the day I bid goodbye to OOP, the lecture, the lab lessons, the tutor, the tests, the project.
My last words are: I STILL FUCKING HATE YOU :DWith half of the girls, and with the other half of the girls hiding unsuccessfully behind.
I went to find Amelia, Christine and Daphne to erm.. do our "Psychology quizzes" but of course, to no avail. Hahahaha. We totally wasted the time away.
Huixian ended her lesson and we ventured to IKEA to buy something for her mum and then to Plaza Singapura for my darling cheque.The noob on the PSP.
We wanted to get our manicures/pedicure done at Bugis Street and we waited for like, forever for our turns. Rosie and Siahmong were there waiting too, so we hung out together till it's almost our turns.
Damn. I HATE HATE HATE the works! >=(
Okay. So maybe they're all busy with so many feet and hands to paint, but that's definitely not an excuse for bad paint jobs right?
I had a very bad manicure and the dear manicurist even asked me to clean off the stain off my fingers myself. HELLO? Am I paying money or is this a FOC thing?!
I was very pissed with myself for spoiling my left pinky and my right middle finger lah. Grrr. The manicurist was too generous on the nail polish anyway, that's why my nails got scarred so badly from a mere scatch. :(
Very disappointed with the service lah. My previous trip there with Stefanie wasn't that bad and my nails managed to last for like, one month!
It had been just one day, and my fingernails look so fucked up and my toenails are spoiling.
Today, after picking up two morning calls from Xerxes and Lecia, I ignored them and woke up only two hours later to be extremely late for our study session.
I love Xerxes so much today for helping me SOOOOOO much with my Psychology quizzes (I've said it. Now you guys are going to check if I'm online to steal my answers right!) and yay! The whole Psychology module has really come to an end. :)
And eh, I thought I'll be nice to you idiots, who are considering Psychology for your CDS next semester, to NOT CHOOSE PSYCHOLOGY!!!! PLEASE DO NOT BE AS DUMB AS ME AND MY FELLOW MODULE-MATES.
I am a happy girl because I got my first ANGBAO from my m)phosis colleague. This photo was taken today because I forgot about it yesterday. :D
DANG. This post took me 2 hours.
If only I am this good on my schoolwork too........
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
samedi, février 17, 2007
took me long enough..
Publié par
2/17/2007 12:27:00 AM
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