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    mardi, juillet 31, 2007

    It's red, it's black.

    I bathed, prepared, threw on some slacks, put on make up, blew dry my hair to near (when I say near, I don't actually mean it) perfection, all ready to head out.. and then I realised I forgot I'm having my period.


    Like, DUH!

    Thank God I found out before I head out! My shorts was already very badly stained by the time I realised. Gosh.

    I DON'T KNOW. I DON'T KNOW. I have no idea how my period just slipped off my mind too.. Very bimbotic, I know.. *shrugs*

    Anyway, I decided to skip class and head down to Amelia's crib instead after the bus journey.


    Coincidentally, Amelia and I wore uniform colors!


    Was chatting with dear Stefanie on MSN and she's going on about how I'm starting to speak type in the British way. I reckon it's the Harry Potter thing getting into my head. Gosh, I can snog someone now. HAHA. EMBRACE BRITISH.

    Off to the phone. Ciao.

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