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    jeudi, août 23, 2007

    I'm sorry

    My dearest you,

    I see no point in us emailing, finding faults between the lines and just.. pure defense of oneself. So I thought I might as well just blog this up (the truth is, I think better when facing the Blogger page).

    I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made. It's just that.. I imagined that you, of all people, would understand me better than others; which in turns bring about the understanding of jokes.

    Maybe my jokes like, suddenly loss of memory of names, were crude. My bad.

    All I can say is sorry. And I am in a loss because you ain't making it easy for one to apologize.

    For as long as I can remember, I took you as one of my bestest friends, despite the fact we don't exactly meet up and chill and that I know nuts about your life now. But who are we to kid ourselves? It's pretty much obvious that absence doesn't always makes the hearts fonder.

    I understood the reasons for the turn downs. I didn't doubt you one bit when you said you have something else on.

    Okay, I have no idea what I'm digressing to. I'm sorry and I just have to repeat myself: I love you, don't doubt it.

    We'll hang out after the exams.. won't we?


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