Because I tweet more often than I blog.

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    mercredi, novembre 14, 2007

    A quickie..

    Weiming, and I suppose that person cannot be you. heheheh.
    Koonann, what do you suggest then? I do not! Whichever are you thinking of?
    Jenny, NATURALLY. heheheh. Thanks babe.
    Christine, hmmm.. I'll think about it! hehehehe. Decisions, decisions, decisions..
    Yinping, GOOD IDEA. HAHAHA. But then, you have no idea how annoying it is to go like, "Yingting.. Noo! YINGting, Yingting, yingTING," drives me nuts seriously. LOL.
    Rakcent, shuddup. Everyone has long forgotton about that.

    And the pursue of YT's english name continues.. Keep the comments coming in! :) XOXO

    Like pro yo!

    Brian's currently teaching me the chords for Your guardian angel by RJA. GO YT GO! Soon, I won't only look the part, I'll be a pro.

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