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    jeudi, mai 15, 2008

    Gossip Girl rocks!

    Click to enlarge

    After I posted up part of the lyrics Rufus sung at his gig at episode 17.. many many people from all over the world stumble upon my blog to find the song.

    Haha. It's so amazing the lengths people (aka Amelia and me) go for just a song.

    Anyway, to save you the trouble.. It is an old song by Paul Young called Every time you go away and it is nothing like what Rufus sung lor. Cannot find that version one (unless you don't mind the snippet from Youtube) because I tried so so so so so hard to search for it. Trust me.

    I hate Blogger. It's acting up on me and it looks weird.

    And oh, no more photos because KX and I tried to get rid of the bloody Flashy virus from my memory stick and we accidentally healed the photos away too. BOOHOOHOO.

    Yesterday, after yet another tiring day in school, I went town to meet KX, Kaijie, Shihui, Billy and Lester to watch Harold and Kumar again (due to guy polities.. $&*($%#!$&~) Hahaha. The show is still funny the second time. I kept laughing before the joke, because I knew what was going to happen already. :D

    Anyway, today is Topshop sale day! WOOHOOOO. It's so depressing that all my girls have no moo-lah to go to the sale with me. Sigh. I oughta be cutting down on my expenses too. SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY.

    Joann keep peeping at my web SMS conversation and this post, it's annoying. HEAR THAT, JOANN? xP


    KX KX KX! :D

    [EDIT]I updated my jukebox! LISTEN! GOOD MOOOOOSIC! [/EDIT]

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