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    jeudi, août 28, 2008

    liar liar

    I know I shouldn't be blogging right now (what with two more days to complete my report), but I can't help but to let you readers know that I am not dead yet!

    Haha, apologies for the lack of updates, but there's really nothing interesting to update anymore because KX and I are in a strict money saving regime, which includes no going out and me going over to his crib every day after school. I doubt you'd wanna know what we've been doing these days.. so, ya.

    My attachment is coming to an end in two days.

    Wow, my torturous nineteen weeks of attachment is finally ending.

    Almost time to bid good bye to my trusty school computer which has been accompanying me through out. T.T

    Can't believe I've sat beside Joann Chia Li Ting and Mak Wen Jing (17 weeks to be exact, since the girl kena chicken pox on the first two weeks of school, hahaha!) for 19 weeks already... and I am still alive!


    Anyway, this attachment has been rather enjoyable, I guess. Made a lot of new friends from my course whom I've never talk to. :] Got to know a handful of Joann's classmates who are all very nice and friendly. And I've gotten closer to Kaiwen with all the boliao MSN chats during work.

    Sheesh, why am I blogging about this??

    Ahem, anyway, I've been seeing KX every day and I'm getting tired of him. Heeheehaahaahoehoe. Just kidding, baby.

    I took an MC yesterday because I had cramps at somewhere-near-the-stomach and the doctor prescribed me this syrup to drink and shit.

    I spent most of my time in the toilet yesterday. :S The aftermath of each meals are... horrible.

    Argh, but I've never felt this skinny for a very long time, hahaha. I don't have to do sit-ups before I sleep anymore la! I should just add that syrup thing into my daily diet. :D :D :D

    I can hardly wait for my holidays because there's so much to do!!!1

    I'll be able to spend more time with my girls (sorry sorry sorry) and I must must must find a job because I need bread so super duper badly.

    Baby's on MC today. :[ I don't like it when he gets the day off and I don't because he gets to sleep in and I don't. It's so unfair.

    I am so selfish. Heeheehee.

    Alright, back to the boring report. OUT!

    More updates when there's anything decent to update. :]

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