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    dimanche, mars 08, 2009

    fulfilling days

    Last night, I had Dunman Food Centre's rojak (or something, I can't recall) for supper after a very long wait of approximately one hour.

    Today, I had Selegie beancurd washing down a plate of Ponggol Nasi Lemak with all my favorite side dishes after work.

    I can so sleep now.

    3 commentaires:

    Anonyme a dit…

    hey,u use bobbi brown corrector plus bobbi brown concealer?

    Anonyme a dit…

    what brand of mascara u used?

    YingTing a dit…

    not so sure of the difference, but I'm using one for dark cricles and one for blemishes :)

    i'm using Mabeline's marscara. :)