1. My name is Low Ying Ting, aged 17.
2. My household includes my mummy, daddy and the maid.
3. I once had two cats whom I loved dearly until my mother decided that she was very irritated by them and she slaughter them or something (I just cannot bare to know the truth of what happened to them).
4. I have a few best friends: Lecia, Amelia, Lecia, Stefanie and Joyce.
5. The reason why I love school is because there's guys to see. :D
6. I ADORES shopping and it upsets me to leave FOREVER21 empty-handed without their cheerful yellow shopping bags.
7. I stopped believing in buying CDs since like, sec 4; Limewire has been my best frieend since then.
8. I can die without my trusty organiser 'cause I tend to forget important dates and occasions.
9. I secretly (no longer one now) despise guys who like, go all the way to make themselves LOOK popular with chicks and dudes, but actually they are losers.
10. It has been one year since I've weighed myself. I'm freaking scared.
11. I have a mild case of fear for heights. I hate roller-coasters.
12. I'm a avid Southpark fan. I loveee Ike, Kyle and Butters!
13. I don't really mind watching horror movies because I spent most of my time hiding behind something and shrieking to the person next to me to describe whatever's happening.
14. Whenever I have that super urge to buy all the chocolates off the store's shelf, I know I will be menstrating very soon.
15. Sometimes I hate my height because it makes me stand out so much.
16. Sometimes I love my height because it made you notice me.
17. It is a mental routine to start picturing me naked and start planning for the outfit of the day the moment I wake up.
18. I tend to forget what I just bought and Lecia always reminds me.
19. Whenever I go freaking scared before getting back results, I tend to do well for it. So please pardon my whinings!
20. I like english comics! And I will read everything back to the very first issue online. For eg. BabyBlues, Archies, Beaver&Steve, Bobbin Comics and Countyoursheep.
21. I loathe reading chinese characters, it always take me ages.
22. I'm borned with a say, silver spoon in my tongue. I apologise for not cleaning up the mess after me.
23. I'm a daddy's girl when I need money and expensive toys.
24. I'm a mummy's girl when I wana shop and do badly for exams.
25. My maid is no ordinary maid. She wears Levi's, has an iPod nano and has a number of guys lavishing her with gifts. We share clothes too!
26. I feel sick whenever girls go ooh-ing and aah-ing at how small their feet are. Small feet got money to earn ah?
27. I love accessories. Shoes, bags, necklaces, bracelets, earrings..
28. I don't like it when girls cry to their avantage. It makes us, strong girls look like losers.
29. I've dreamt of Papers living together udnert one roof, but my bet's on that we'll start quarreling about so-and-so hogging on to the phone, taking too long in the toilet, not flushing the toilet bowls.. Gawk.
30. I still CANNOT understand soccer, no matter how hard I try to catch matches with Torres on.
31. I love freebies.
32. I once stubbled down a height of stairs when I was say, 2 or 3 years old and I have this cut across my right eyebrow ever since.
33. It amazes me just how having sex can produce a baby, how a baby can pop out, how a baby can understand what to do, how a baby can grow up to be an adult and then to have sex to repeat the cycle.
34. I fear people with physical disabilities. They scares me, and I always try to picture myself as them and I'll feel sad.
35. It cheers me up seeing the people around me settling down.
36. I've always dreamt of being a walkway model, but all the aporachers seemed only interested with their commission, not with new faces.
37. I miss secondary school times because that's the only time I can see most of my friends everyday, without fail.
38. I love reading chick novels and most of them affect me so much that I'll cry and cry.
39. I loathe some girls in my lecture theatres because of the way they present themself.
40. I end my sentences with "Haha"s so that you people will not think that I'm having a bad day.
41. I'll be completely honest that at times, I choose my friends.
42. Guys I'm not interested freak me out when they confess or something, and the way I reject them sucks.
43. What people think of me matters. Alot.
44. I dislike getting out of my comfort zone.
45. I am one big fat procrasinator.
That's enough for a day. :D Have some photos queueing up to be posted, but I'm just too lazy. Tomorrow, maybe. Ciao!
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
lundi, décembre 04, 2006
45 FUN facts about Yingting
Publié par
12/04/2006 11:17:00 PM
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