I Klunch-ed with Amelia Darling!
Our singings were hoarse and all weird that day! But I was very happy because I can laugh at her.
I have this like, SUPER HUGE pimple on my chin and I shall be bold and go ahead NOT photoshop one of my photos and let you guys ogle at it.
It's still here now okay! It has been like, one week?! God bless concealers!!
Favourite t-shirt of the moment :D
I'm levitating!!
I went over to Amelia's place after the singing to finish up with our online Psychology quizzes (speaking of which, PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS, DO YOUR QUIZZES REALLY QUICK!) and I love her so much because she gave me some answers. *muacks*
I went home to put down my lappy and the stupid Psychology book (which probably weigh more than my lappy), while Amelia had her piano lesson.
Feeling bored, I changed into a different set of clothes and donned on make-up (for the stupid pimple)!
With Huixian, while waiting for Amelia
With Stefanie!
Lecia was at KL last Friday..
and Joyce was working!
Amelia and I were in this BLACK AND WHITE craze so it's rare to see any proper colored photo on that day. Hahaha.
P.S.: I am super pissified with my ANNA SUI eyeliner!! IT. JUST. WON'T. STOP. BREAKING!!!1 Don't, don't ever get it; even though the pencil look totally gorgeous.
Like I was saying in the previous post, I was spending some ME time until I decided to join Amelia in town at about 9pm for dinner. Heh heh.
I was totally dressed up okay! I hadn't felt so pretty ever since my haircut.
No photos because we didn't take much!
After buying some make-uppy stuff.. we went over to BLK 121 for supper (dinner for me)!
Lecia was on a night flight back home and she came to join us! So did Koonann, Huixian and Kaiwen who just knocked off..
After food, Lecia, Huixian and I went over to Amelia's to play with make-up! Hahaha.
Time truly flies when you're having a good time and it was past three when I reached home, I think. >.<
P.S.S: I've been stuck over here FOR THE LONGEST TIME. Photobucket is pissing me off!! It just won't let me upload my camera's photos okay. I admit that the file sizes are huge, but don't need so slow one RIGHT. And for every photo I attach, a stupid pop-up appears.. Apparently Mozilla isn't god-like too. ARGH.
Lecia, Huixian and I all dressed up, before heading out from my place!
My corridor! Haha.
Huixian and YT
The girls walked around and messed with our pretty little heads on Christmas presents!
Kaiwen and YT
Lecia and YT
Me in Huixian's shoes because it was hurting her so badly
Lecia's cute presents for the 6 of us!!
Kukunie again!
We got bored and tired after walking around and around and we had dessert at the super nice resturant (forgot the name) at Marina Square!
Stefanie and Lecia
Huixian and YT
Ta-ta-ta-ta-tasty tasty!
While waiting for Amelia to rush down from her dinner..
I got my dress (dance dance) off an LJer and check out more dresses here!
The 5 美人s (it's 人 only because I don't know how to type GIRL in han yu pin yin!!!)
Anyway, the guys kept teasing me because I look/am so flat. :(
Front row (from left): Stefanie, Gibson, Cheechai, Kokhong
Back row (from left): Junkai, Yuetyong, Koonann, Amelia, Lecia, YT, Koonpheng, Huixian
This is here because I think Junkai and Gibson look very cute in the shot. LOL.
Koonann and Huixian
Stefanie and me (OMGigotsaggyeyes)
Amelia and Koonpheng
and the other boys who weren't gamed enough for the shot in a dunno what MTV!
Koonpheng and YT looking soooo pale
Incomplete shot with Cheechai and Huixian missing; obviously we weren't too pleased. Haha.
So we tried again!
I can still remember how when Yuetyong clicked the shutter without informing, everyone OEI-ed him super LOUDLY.
Koonpheng hates me. :(
We girls AGAIN. :)
After a longgg discussion, we left for home at around 4? It took us 846271 years to hail a cab lah! And don't let me go into that fat bitch who kept trying to outrun us into getting a cab.
Lecia, Huixian, Koonpheng and I shared a cab and we got into an accident in which a motorcycle collided into our cab.
The car braked to a stop and all of us flung outta our seats.
Okay. Not so dramatic. We were all pulled out from our seats for the brief moment.
It totally freaked me out lah; and the cab driver was pissed with a capital P.
He chiong-ed towards the motorcycle in daitona (the car racing arcade game) style and honked and honked and honked until the motorcycle pulled over. He yelled and screamed at the young biker until a police car came into the picture..
I wasn't sure how the police's going to deal with it lah and we've all taken note of the2 vehicle plate numbers. LOL.
Phew! My life flashed before my eyes sia..
I had a wonderful beauty sleep and I went kai kai with Lecia Lim!
I've been feeling sicky since yesterday and today I keep blowing GREEN mucus out. Super unglam, I know.. But it's not a healthy sign too right?
Someone's MIA! Wonder where've he been.......
We spent ALOT of time at Marina Square's TOPSHOP and I am officially a member after 9462519 visits. :D
It was so tough to attain the card because of this whole "15% off storewide" thing, which made us spent even more..
Borrow the card from me before you head TOPSHOP/TOPMAN/DOROTHY PERKINS!
Shop-hop hop hop to everywhere!
Last but definitely not the least..
P.S.S.S: This post took me more than 2 hours. >.< Read with gratitude!!
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
lundi, décembre 25, 2006
Christmas Joy
Publié par
12/25/2006 11:31:00 PM
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