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    samedi, mars 29, 2008

    A short update..

    It was an interesting night yesterday.

    But Blogger is being a bitch and I can't upload photos and I do not like to use external host to host my photos (because must hard-code the size, very lazy), so photos will only be up when the function gets well again.

    Yesterday, I went to run a few errands before rushing down to work.. and realized that there's another private event happening there so I got cancelled. Fuck. But at least all is not lost and I get some compensation for travelling..

    With nothing to do and everyone's still at home (AND SLEEPING), I went Balaclava to sit, drink and wait for time to pass.

    I always enjoy the fact that I make a point to be nice to people I come across, so yesterday at Balaclava was full with perks. Many many free drinks! :D

    After the sun set, the cows went home and my mother was screaming for me to go home.. Persley and Zhiyang finally came around to rescue me and I think they were kinda annoyed by me in the high state. :[

    We had dinner at Dian Xiao Er and we went over to Breathless where most of their gang were already there..

    Drank more..

    Got super duper high..

    Got sobered up..

    Took a helluva of photos!

    And I even sent the birthday boy home. :D A huge responsibility on my part. Ha.

    To end the entry.. I've got something freakish captured on my camera by Stefanie, at the back alley near Breathless:

    Okay, looking at the photo again just totally freak me out all over again, and I had some problems uploading it, which made me wanna pee in my pants la.

    Is that........... a girl?

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