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    mardi, juin 24, 2008

    never thought i could love you the way i do

    It's been long since I blogged.

    I is getting so super lazy. Be it dressing up, making up, taking photos, going out, whatsoever. I is getting so lazy, I don't seem to be YT anymore.

    Sigh. All my recent photos look like crap too. This is what that happens when one gets too lazy to make up, I guess. I look so different, I don't even dare to post up the photos. Hahaha.

    I've caught the Incredible Hulk, The Happening and Don't Mess with the Zohan in the weekends. :] I like Don't Mess with the Zohan the most, naturally.. It's so hilarious la! LOLOLOL. *thuds my chest, then my crotch* xD Incredible Hulk was okay.. but I prefer Ironman to it. I like how there's this lil' link between these two movies.. and prolly the next one (which I don't know what it's gonna be). HULK SMASH! And The Happening isn't good. Although the suicides looks sadistically good, overall.. the plot doesn't amazes me. If the other movie time slots weren't full.. KX and I won't even be watching it.

    Okay, so I'm done with my movie reviews. :D

    Hmmm.. The whole gang, Ah bui, Ah mu, Ben, Billy, Christine, Lester, Myra, KX and me, went to drinky drinky on Thursday and I called in sick on Friday because I had diarrhea. I was sleeping so happily because it's like oh so finally I can finally sleep.. like, SLEEP and not wake up before the sun rises. Plus, drinking the night before makes me wanna sleep even more.

    But the asshole beside me couldn't get back to sleep and he started irritating me with "lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-look like a lollipop" non-stop. Wahhhhhhhhh I almost ki siao lor. I don't even like the song to begin with.. then KX kept singing to me when I was trying to sleep. T___T I hate Lil' Wayne.

    And KX came to TP on Monday. :D :D :D KX came to TP to find meeeeeeeeeeeee (not Ben) lalala.

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