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    mercredi, juin 04, 2008

    tell me what you want

    I hate the feeling when I can't have everything I want.. or useda have.

    Perhaps it is really never good to be so very spoiled by the parents.

    Gotta remind myself every so often that.. I can't have everything. And I brought this all upon myself, so stop complaining. You just need to manage your time better.

    Breathe, YT.


    Digressing, I caught Sex and the City on Monday with KX.. and we hung out with Amelia and Stefanie too.. :D 

    I like SATC! It kept making me tear.. I don't know about you, but I caught seasons 1 - 6.. so I knew perfectly well what they've been through.. But what the heck, just go watch it too!

    Sigh. If only I can buy shoes like Carrie. T__T

    And I'm hanging with Stefanie later. :]  YAY!

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