Apologies for the really long hiatus that I took. Just couldn't find the time and will to blog anymore. And it's not as if there's plenty of things for me to rave about in my life as well. Everything's been boring and simple as usual, haha. School, work, kx, and the girls; as you can see from my Twitter.
Completed Semester 1 of my degree and I went to HongKong with kx's family! Actually I am blogging now, because one of my albums just. simply. won't. upload!!! Pissing me off like crazy. And the thing is each album has about 200 photos, which means that IT TAKES VERY LONG TO UPLOAD AN ALBUM!!!
I am uploading it (again) for the 4th time now, and I'm gonna give up and sleep if it still wouldn't work. Godamnit, what's wrong with it?!?!
It was freakin' cold when we were there. I can wear like 6 top layers and 2 bottom layers, and still feel extremely cold.Nu ren jie, Hong Kong
And the people there obviously converse in Cantonese, which is my least favorite dialect because I totally cannot comprehend what the hell they're saying; and Cantoneses tend to speak in Cantonese when they meet, even when they can just converse in Mandarin/English.
This annoys the hell out of me because they make me feel like they're bitching about me, hahaha.Mango-goodness in a cup :) I wish we have this in Singapore! It'd be my second favorite drink, right after Koi Cafe.
Even though it's bloody cold in HK, die die also must drink a cup of Xu Liu Shan whenever we pass by one.
Digressing, TMD I STILL CANNOT UPLOAD THOSE PHOTOS ARGHHHH.We had to take a ferry to get to Macau. We filled in so many immigration forms throughout the journey!
The Venetian Macau Hotel was amazing!Don't know if you watched Boys over Flowers but they filmed there!
If I'm not wrong, this is where Shan Cai force Dao Ming Shi to say something mean to her, something of that sort, haha.
And then, we took another ferry over to Chu Hai, China to eat super cheap seafood.These crabs seem to be very heavily pregnant. Damn eggy! Haha, not a fan of eggyolks so I couldn't appreciate it. :S
Pretty cool that we get to choose our own living seafood and then, they bring it to the kitchen and cook them for us! We had so much seafood that day, and we even ordered some of the dishes twice.
Was too hungry when most of the other dishes came, so nobody took photos, haha.At the back of an immigration form. The fact that it's on immigration forms makes it even more ridiculous.
We must order this every morning when we're in Hongkong, because it's soooooo nice! And also, we eat at the same cafe every morning, which pretty much explains why this is a must.
(to be continued when the second album is up on FB)
Disneyland was the best :*)

The fireworks were amazing. The photos don't do all the justice it deserve! (The hearts (there's snowflakes one too!!) are from the special paper glasses thingy they provide)

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