Because I tweet more often than I blog.

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    mercredi, juin 10, 2009

    when i look at you my mind goes on a trip

    Hi! It's been quite some time again.

    Finally took photos of KX's cast after much much procrastination, lol. Well, at least I did took a photo of it before he removes it.

    KX's sexaye pose haha.

    Anyway, check out his toes:


    Everytime I see his peeling toes, I can't help but wince and move away. Not just because it smells, but (also) how disgustingly dry the toes has became.


    eeew, still gives me the shivers.

    I shall never put myself in such situation no matter what.

    Digressing, I met up with the girls after work one fine day last week :D

    Okay, that's all for today! Hafta play my school fees with SY tomorrow and work after that. OUT!

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