I'm bored waiting for Stefanie to upload photos from her camera, so here I am. I reckon I might as well make use of this space, since I honestly have nothing better to do. Well, actually I can unpack my loots from the stayover, but I'm plain lazy and I'd rather type anyway.
This year hasn't been smooth sail for me. I'm not so much of a superstitious person, but this Tiger year can suck my balls. I've been falling seek once a month (like period like that) ever since the start of the year, as much as I have been trying to avoid heaty food. :(
Other than that, I have to sit for a paper on my birthday itself (21st hor! BIG DEALLLL!), and its in the midst of 3 other papers as well, I couldn't wake up when I had a training in the morning with my big boss (okay, my own bad... but still!), kx has revision workshops throughout the weekend that we planned my party on, and there's plenty more that I can't remember of anymore.
Just hope that things will get better... Oh well, apart from all these, I'm just the happy-go-lucky girl with people whom I love loving me back :) they keep me saint.The girls came over to surprise me after I counted down to my birthday with KX at ECP :) They were all so reluctant to take a polaroid cos we were all al naturale and they were damn happy when I couldn't switch on my polaroid camera, lol. Too bad, girls!
I love them all, even though we may not meet up as often as ever. Gatherings might get kinda awkward at times, but I know we still have a long time to go. And we will definitely work out the differences.
Met up with Joann Chia several times last week cos we sat 2 papers together and it's always good to spend time with her. Non-stop catching up. I think she's like the only one from my poly days that I'm comfortable to go on dates with. Haha.
A rare camwhore solo shot. I always feel so uncomfortable camwhoring alone. Feels so weird.
We booked a room at New Majestic Hotel :)Love how slutty the room is. Pink, red, blue interiors.. My favourite colours :) The room is rather huge as well! And omg, the bed is damn awesome. I want that bed!
My lovely cake, which also tastes awesome. The icing smells like playdoh though, haha.
Love love.
Present from the girls. ♥
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
lundi, mai 10, 2010
my 21st
Publié par
5/10/2010 12:49:00 AM
samedi, novembre 21, 2009
Hongkong 2009
Apologies for the really long hiatus that I took. Just couldn't find the time and will to blog anymore. And it's not as if there's plenty of things for me to rave about in my life as well. Everything's been boring and simple as usual, haha. School, work, kx, and the girls; as you can see from my Twitter.
Completed Semester 1 of my degree and I went to HongKong with kx's family! Actually I am blogging now, because one of my albums just. simply. won't. upload!!! Pissing me off like crazy. And the thing is each album has about 200 photos, which means that IT TAKES VERY LONG TO UPLOAD AN ALBUM!!!
I am uploading it (again) for the 4th time now, and I'm gonna give up and sleep if it still wouldn't work. Godamnit, what's wrong with it?!?!
It was freakin' cold when we were there. I can wear like 6 top layers and 2 bottom layers, and still feel extremely cold.Nu ren jie, Hong Kong
And the people there obviously converse in Cantonese, which is my least favorite dialect because I totally cannot comprehend what the hell they're saying; and Cantoneses tend to speak in Cantonese when they meet, even when they can just converse in Mandarin/English.
This annoys the hell out of me because they make me feel like they're bitching about me, hahaha.Mango-goodness in a cup :) I wish we have this in Singapore! It'd be my second favorite drink, right after Koi Cafe.
Even though it's bloody cold in HK, die die also must drink a cup of Xu Liu Shan whenever we pass by one.
Digressing, TMD I STILL CANNOT UPLOAD THOSE PHOTOS ARGHHHH.We had to take a ferry to get to Macau. We filled in so many immigration forms throughout the journey!
The Venetian Macau Hotel was amazing!Don't know if you watched Boys over Flowers but they filmed there!
If I'm not wrong, this is where Shan Cai force Dao Ming Shi to say something mean to her, something of that sort, haha.
And then, we took another ferry over to Chu Hai, China to eat super cheap seafood.These crabs seem to be very heavily pregnant. Damn eggy! Haha, not a fan of eggyolks so I couldn't appreciate it. :S
Pretty cool that we get to choose our own living seafood and then, they bring it to the kitchen and cook them for us! We had so much seafood that day, and we even ordered some of the dishes twice.
Was too hungry when most of the other dishes came, so nobody took photos, haha.At the back of an immigration form. The fact that it's on immigration forms makes it even more ridiculous.
We must order this every morning when we're in Hongkong, because it's soooooo nice! And also, we eat at the same cafe every morning, which pretty much explains why this is a must.
(to be continued when the second album is up on FB)
Disneyland was the best :*)

The fireworks were amazing. The photos don't do all the justice it deserve! (The hearts (there's snowflakes one too!!) are from the special paper glasses thingy they provide)

Publié par
11/21/2009 02:41:00 AM
vendredi, juillet 10, 2009
do you know what's worth fighting for?
I unsuccessfully created a lousy collage. Whatever, I don't care if you can read the captions, lol. Why is it so blurry! Angry! More (and wayyyyy clearer) on FB :)It's been so long since I actually put in effort to blog. It's tiring. I'm going to bed!
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7/10/2009 11:15:00 PM
vendredi, juillet 03, 2009
home alone
Hi, today's a Friday and I'm home alone (even my parents are more hip than me; it's after midnight and nobody else is home yet) after work. Haha, this is so unlike me. Well, anyway, there's nowhere else I could be.
So KX and I finally gotten our Blackberries!! :D :D :D Something I must comment about was that he was a bitch about me wanting a BB for the longest time and he was so anal about it, we even quarreled over this issue before. And I finally convinced him that it's worth it and yay!
Tsk, still feeling ^*(&%$#!^*~ about how he always don't practise what he preach haha. xP
Anyway, the BB pouch (or vice versa) is really smart, you know. When you put the phone into the pouch, IT AUTO-LOCKS. Hahaha, I am still damn amused by that fact. And everyone who asked to see my phone will get forced to watch my "magic" show.
School is almost starting! Is anyone going to SIM's RMIT, and taking Marketing for 2.5years??
After working for so long, I am actually beginning to look forward to my next shift and enjoying working. My little counter with way too many staff is always filled with laughter now. :D Kinda feel sad I won't be working as often when school starts, lol. I am sucha workaholic.
I'm meeting my girls tomorrow and I'm damn excited. IT'S BEEN LONG, BAYBEH.
I am having the I-need-to-do-something-about-my-hair moment and I'm so thinking of extensions!! My hair is at such an annoying length.
I am also searching for pictures to put as wallpapers and I found so much beauties. I am contented.
Publié par
7/03/2009 11:55:00 PM
lundi, juin 22, 2009
let's have some fun
Ehhhh, I wanted to blog about something but I can't remember what.
Shit, my dementia is getting really really bad.
I feel like a geek 'cause I've been reading forums, one after another after phone specs. LOL.
I want my BB now!!!
I'm hooked on playing Lady Gaga's Lovegame on TTR2, haha. Damn pro liao, me! So addictive.
I just realised how packed my room has became with the increasing number of soft toys. It has come to the extend I've stopped demanding KX to help me think of names. And I have to place them on the floor before I sleep 'cause there's no more space for tinny winny me.
Must. Ban. KX. From. UFO. Catchers.
Can't wait for Wednesday!!
And I still haven't get my bubbly fix. >.< Dying soo
Publié par
6/22/2009 12:44:00 AM
dimanche, juin 21, 2009
mad world.
I had four satisfying off days this week and I spent them rotting away at KX's place, leaving the house occasionally for food, town and L4D. Rotting is nice as long as you're not alone, isn't it? I swear I must've put on some weight during those days cause all I did was to just eat, lie down and watch the tube, eat, sleep and you get the drift..
Before that, I met up with the girls and I've started stocking up the wardrobe for school already!! Hahaha, I just combed all the size 6 basics that I could find. Can't live without 'em though they always get way too big after a few washes. :\
While I'm typing furiously away here, Stefanie must be having damn alot of fun like half the globe away from us, boohoohoo. Remember our business plan! ;)
It's always nice to hang out with my girls and with school starting soon, I'm sure I'd be able to hang out much more often with them (don't worry, Amelia, you know we won't forget ya ♥) , which makes school even more exciting, even though I'd be starting afresh with no familiar classmates, boo.
I feel like a kid, haha. So excited!!
Maybe it's because I am so sick of the things I've been doing now too. So mediocre; working and treasuring my offdays which are really precious 'cause they are really occasional.. Plus KX is still coped at home with his stupid cast and I seriously can't wait for him to uncast, so that he can come find me after work, hahaha. And also to go out and play la, of course. So many places to go.. So many food cravings to satisfy.. And BKK!!
I am just ranting...
And I don't know when I will be seeing that bimbotic Joann again. HELLO, if you sees this, please text me! Hahaha, we need to meet up soon! Town isn't the same without you around. :D And if you're wondering why I cannot text you first, it's because my phone's too far away from me now.
Zomg, it's actually been FOUR days since I had a cuppa bubbly (last time was on Tuesday with S from Rockery, I can still remember, lol) . I need my fix. ASAP.
Publié par
6/21/2009 12:09:00 AM
mercredi, juin 10, 2009
when i look at you my mind goes on a trip
Hi! It's been quite some time again.
Finally took photos of KX's cast after much much procrastination, lol. Well, at least I did took a photo of it before he removes it.KX's sexaye pose haha.
Anyway, check out his toes:YUCKS.
Everytime I see his peeling toes, I can't help but wince and move away. Not just because it smells, but (also) how disgustingly dry the toes has became.
eeew, still gives me the shivers.
I shall never put myself in such situation no matter what.
Digressing, I met up with the girls after work one fine day last week :D
Okay, that's all for today! Hafta play my school fees with SY tomorrow and work after that. OUT!
Publié par
6/10/2009 12:30:00 AM