Time : 11.11 pm
Today I will blog alot alot ok!
I really feel so laxy recently. Wake up. Work. Eat. Read blogs. Play maple. Sleep.
Blogging didn't even cross my mind. Hahaha.
So, yeah.
Everything that had happened!!
2f'03 Chalet @ Downtown East
Speaking of the chalet makes me sad! I was supposed to stay over, and bug Jiayang to stay over as well..
But poop!
My mother disagrees.
I ended up on a taxi home with the other homies, blaming Jiayang for nothing.

We were imitating this huge McDonald's poster of 2 kids doing that. Cute right.
Please ignore my pin. I went there after work mah!
Couldn't really be bothered by how I looked, really.

The boyfriends. Haha.
So yeah. I went home after that..
Quite depressed to leave my ex-classmates at the chalet, while I have to go home to keep Mommy happy. :(
The next day, Jiayang and I went to watch the Memoirs of a Geisha!
I like Gongli! So pretty.
It's good, in my opinion! 3 thumbs up outta 5! 2 thumbs got minus-ed off 'cause they cut alot parts from da book.
Go catch it too, if you hadn't!
And I'll kindly lend you my book, if you want too. (Terms and conditions apply)
4i Gathering (cum other classes)
That happened just yesterday!
The day before the Gathering (which is Thursday), Aikchun and Junkai came over to help out with the marinate.
Oh sorry.
The day before the Gathering (which is Thursday), Junkai came over to help out with the marinate, while Aikchun plays with my computer.
Well.. I guess you don't wanna know how badly the chicken wings were ill-treated?
The gathering was held at Ms Tay (Sorry! Mdm Tay!!) and Mr Gui's apartment! Of course, we wasn't the only class there. Mr Gui's classes were there too!

Just a peep!

Stupid Junkai and me. FYI, that's a badly-chewed-up sotong ball in his mouth.

The barbeque grill from an artistic point of view!
Stop staring at the charred parts lah!

V is for.. VIOLA!
Okay okay. I made that up. Junkai made him posed that.

The chicken wings were good after a few tries at the grill! The first few batches were like SHAT. I wasn't sure if there was anyone who ate them. Well.. Bless them, in that case.

Group photo at the KTV room! Really cofy and comfy.
We ended up singing, playing card games and just fool around until the security guard chased us out. Haha.
After that.. some of us went home, while we went to catch a movie at Tampines!
We watched Fun with Dick and Jane.
Hmmm.. I didn't really enjoy it lah.
Probably because it's different watching movies without Jiayang and I was freaking cold.
But really, it's hilarious here and there.. But it doesn't make much sense to me.
It was like 1 plus when the movie finally ended and we took cabs home!
The taxi driver was really nice, 'cause we didn't have enough money (or because Koonann doesn't want to fork out more =x) and he just took what we had and pay the rest himself.. I guess?
Today's CHU XI!
Happy new year to all my Chinese readers in advance!
Hope your hong baos (when opened) can be stacked up to hit someone's face realy HARD!
No abalone at this year's steamboat. Grandpa's so stingy! I bet my hongbao will be alot lesser as well.
I want abalone! :(
So yeah. Till I have pictures to post, or that I have something to blog about then!
Xing nian kuai le!!
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