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    samedi, mars 04, 2006

    Thousand Troubles

    Time : 11.10 pm

    I am very pathetic!

    We regret to inform you that you are unsuccessful in your application. However,
    if you wish to apply to a particular course, you may approach the institution
    concerned directly. The institution concerned will inform you of the outcome of
    your application.


    You don't know how it really feels like, unless this happens to you! (which I am very delighted to say that there are plenty! Misery lovesssss company!)

    If my appeals don't get through how? :( Gonna go NYP for Nursing liao.

    And I get really grumpy recently. And you know how.. when you are alone most of the time, you tend to think alot? And you think that you're pathetic. You're the ultimate loser.

    That sucks.

    I need retail therapy so badly!

    Speaking of which, I was about to get a pair of Birkenstock with my Feb salary.. AND MY FEET LOOK FUNNY IN IT!

    I hate everyone which broad front feet, because I don't have, because my feet is too thin and I am freaking jealous.

    Plaza Singapura is boring! No eye candies and the place's so small! Food's not very good as well.. And no Yonghan. :(

    Like some loner like that. Everything do alone. I miss Amelia!

    And my mother is so naggy recently.

    And I have 2 big red pimples on my face.

    Oh ya. It's almost the time of the month.


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