> 1. Name: yiNgtiNg
> 2. Nick Name: alOt lEys... waN me naMe aLl..? -loLs-
> 3. Middle Name: erMs... NgTi?
> 4. Hair Colour: BlaCk
> 5. Eye Colour: blaCk... i gUess...
> 6. Height: 168..? i tiNg...
> 7. Location: siNgapOre loRs...
> 8. Birthday: 3rd mAy 1989 [dUn forgEt... =x]
> 9. Zodiac: snaKe~!!
> 10.Status: SiNgle...
> 11. Animal(s): caTs~ [meOw~]
> 12. Sport(s): waLkiNg... typiNg... =x
> 13. Color(s): alL... bUt prefEr piNk Ta moSt...
> 14. Song(s): alOt alOt...
> 15. Band/Singer(s): eneRgy!! wilBer!! toRo!!
> 18. Scent/Perfume(s): noNe baHs...
> 19. Movie(s): mouliN roUge aNd maNy moRe...
> 20. Holiday Season(s): alL whiCh wilL includE scH breaKs..
> 21. Season: sumMer..?
> 22. Element: sodiUm..? hahAs...
> 23. Book(s): i dUn reaD de... loLs
> 24. Do you wear makeup?: oNi fOr perforManCe...
> 25. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: noPe...
> 26. Do you look for personality or looks in a guy/girl?: persoNaliTy baHs... aBit oF loOks... i guEss...
> 27. Perfect guy/girl: huHz..?
> 28. How many rings before you answer the phone? : (--")
> 29. Future Career plans: be an aduLt
> 30. Do you sleep with stuffies?: depeNds oN my moOd... hahAs...
> 31. Do you want kids?: -.- aSk me agaiN 10 yRs laTa baHs~
> 32. Are you popular?: noPe... i dUn tiNg sHo...
> 33. Are you pretty?: Big faT nO...
> 34. Do you have your own phone line?: yePs...
> 35. Do you get along with your family?: hai haO lo... loLs...
> 36. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: gT eaR pierCiNGs oNi... hahAs...
> 37. Do you like giving hugs?: yeP of cOs.. =x
> 38. Do you take walks in the rain?: yea! nicE if uRe walkiN wif uR freNz or whUevA.. hAHas
> 39. Which Malls do you frequent?: bUgis..? orchaRd..? hahAs...
> 40. Do you go on stage?: yePs...
> 41. Favourite Drink(s): GreEn teA... spriTe... =P coKe baHs...
> 42. Do You Smoke?: noPes...
> 43. Do you do drugs?: huHz... drUgs caN dO de arHs..?
> 44. Do you Eat meat?: yuP.. of cOs..
> 45. What's your favourite Date: 3rd may..? hahAs..
> 46. Have you had Sex before?: noPe...
> 47. Do you eat sushi?: yEps.. i lovE suShi..
> 48. Do you Bake?: eRm...
> 49. Hot or Cold?: huHz?
> 50. Lace or Satin?: (--") nO ideA...
> 51. Blue or Red?: BlUe...
> 52. New or Old?: c wAd u meAn loRhs..
> 53. Rain or Snow?: sNow baHs...
> 55. Wool or Cotton?: coTten... =P
> 56. Roses or Daisies?: rosEs baHs...
> 57. Private school or public school?: publiC...
> 58. Plain milk or chocolate milk?: eitHer...
> 59. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: eNglisH pLs...
> 60. Spring or Fall?: spriNg baHs...
> 61. Math or Art?: i tiNg i prefEr maThs...
> 62. One pillow or two?: 2...
> 63. Dogs or Cats?: caTs~ =P
> 64. Adidas or Nike?: caN i chOose coNversE insteaD..?
> 65. Coke or Pepsi?: coKe...
> 66. Oranges or Apples?: apPles...
> 67. Deaf or Blind?: (--")
> 68. Pool or hot tub?: libraRy... =x
> 69. Blonde or Brunette?: bloNde... =P
> 70. Guys or Girls?: huHz?
> 71. Tall or short?: taLl baHs..
> 72. TV or Radio?: Tv...
> 73. Homosexuality: persOn likiNg boTh sEx..?
> 74. Brand names: huHz..?
> 75. Abortion: eviL...
> 76. Religion: wU liaO...
> 77. Animal Rights: iMpt!!
> 78. Love at first sight: erMs... i duNno
> 79. God: nO idEa...
> 80. Aliens: groSs creatUres...
> 81. Horoscopes: ??
> 82. Heaven: coOl plaCe...
> 83. Hell: i duNNo... plaCe oF sufferiNg..?
> 84. Reincarnation: dunNO eh..
> 85. Transvestites: speaK englisH...
> 86. Boy Bands: coOl peEps...
> 87. Rap: woRds nT meaNt fOr pPl tO understaNd...
> 88. 80's music: hai haO baHs...
> 89. Punk Rock: musiC whiCh caN wakE tHe deaD...
> 90. Whats the prettiest instrument(s)?: ?? instruMents gt fEn shuAi aNd pretTy de..?
> 91. Whats the prettiest part of the body?: eyEs...
> 92. Biggest fault: ??
> 93. Biggest fears: lizaRds...
> 94. Do you live in the moment?: sHe mO lAi de..?
> 95. Do you care about looks?: hai haO loRs...
> 96. Do you like your handwriting?: noPes..
> 97. Biggest Worries: mRs sU calLing mY moTa aBt my haiR... >.<
> 98. Looking forward to: fiNi tiS tiNgy...
> 99. Favorite weather: drizZle...
> 100. Do you ever wish you were somebody else?: erMs...
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
dimanche, février 22, 2004
Publié par
2/22/2004 02:13:00 AM
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