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    mardi, février 17, 2004

    arlOws... i hate my iE... its always sho daMn slOw... arGh... nVm... gt to make a quick update... need go catch some forty winks le... loLs... gt to noe our marks for chiNese todae... hmMm... rather proud of myself, i mus sae... =x i actually passed the test woRs... =D b4... 62/100... should be nt bad le baHs... hahAs... luviNa daMn pro... her score is like... wOw... hahAs... [joyCe: dUn tiNg sHo muCh aBt uR resuLt woRs... aT leasT u paSsed riTe..? =D] after tad gt back p.o.a test... tad sUx... at least i didn't gt singple digit... im already beli happy... =x 14/50... hais... nVm... tmr gt re-test... loLs... after sch... initially we [joyCe.luviNa.mE] were waiting 4 kianloOng... wait.wait.wait... suddenly forget abt him... and we went to hail cab and go ourselves... =x [kianloOng: paiseHx...] nVm... loLs... went to aHs... still haf match goin on... eastviEw vs bedoK nortH... luviNa and i had a bet on hu was going to wiN... i bet on eastview... and she on bedoK norTh... the loser had to tell sizheNg "wO Ai Ni"... actually i was still tingin of hu to use... den jUs nice saw sizheNg walk pass... den he becaMe the victiM... loLs... luviNa lost... waiting to see good show tMr... hahAs... after tad was the matCh between mJr aNd aHs... we lost... hais... 41 to 45... guEss dey had tried their best le baHs... hopefuly next 2 matChs can do beta loRs... =D was sho disappointed and saded to noe tad we lost... its like... everyone were expecting mJr to win... bUt... hais... nVm... =D *smiLes* siaNs... gt nTh to update abt le... hahAs... bTw... now we [dosE cOn. peEps] haF nEw naMes~!! usiNg the last word of everyoNe chinese naMe... and squaRe it... aNd... viola!! tads the name... =x abit laMe laHs... but... dun u find it cute..?! hahAs... is jiayaNg staRt de... loLs...


    yiNgtiNg --> tiNgtiNg

    joyCe --> zheNzHen

    luviNa --> EreR (=\ abiT weird thouGh)

    jiayaNg --> yaNgyaNg
    blaH bLah...

    sHo cuTe riTe?! loLs... im mad... >.< hmMm... need to catch some beauty slp le... =D [tiNgtiNg sigNiNg oFf...]

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