peEpKa boOo~!! hahAs... im laMe... loLs... lalala~ todae... hmMm... rather boring loRs... hahAs... duriNg pOa lesSon mosT fUn... loLs... lalala~ after sch waited for joyCe... for her collectivation tiNgy... loLs... she gt "farmiNg"... hahAs... as in rusSia periOd tHe time... loLs... actually its just retest... hahAs... and she failed again... -.- sHo now im damn stressed... cux tmr my turn liaO... hahAs... lalala~ after tad joyCe caMe to my hse... den... *shHhhHhh...* =P cannot sae... *hehe* hahAs... next week den sae... =P hmMm... *ahemaheM* attention woRs~!! todae is laO Da liM cheE cHai de bdaE orHs!!! *rolls druMs* lets haF a minutE of silence to show our respect... *keep quiet for oNe minuTe* oPps... souNds like funeral litat..? *chOy* touCh woOd... lols... todae morniNg luviNA laTe foR sch niAs... cux she forget to bring chEechAi's present... sho she rush home to take... and ended up late... -.- soRta my fault..? soLi luviNa tad i ask ya to go home take... =\ gT caRd alsO... hahas... which damn losta pPl sign... cux i thot it loOked plain with jus me.luviNa.joyCe.ameLia.patriCk.sizheNg signatuRe... sHo asK deM pasS arouNd aNd sign... in the end it became sho fuLl and nice... hahAs... nt bad baHs...=P loLs... lalala~ *aheM* attentiOn agaiN orHs~!! jus a gentle reminder~!!
thuRsdaE [12 feB] --> eNglisH coMmon
fridaE [13 feB] --> chineSe coMmon
>.< deN tHe resT is on next next week le... everyoNe~!! mus jiayoUx le woRs!! hehE... goOd luCk goOd luCk~!! ^^ argH... im hungry again... -.- go find foOd le.. tata~!! =D *waVe goOd byE*
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
mardi, février 10, 2004
Publié par
2/10/2004 09:52:00 PM
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