yOz... hmMm... reached home rather early todae hoRs..? loLs... hai... boriNg daE todae... oh ya... one BIG announcement to make!! luviNa is freE frOm lukemiA!! aNd sHe's back to sch!! woOhOo~!! -.-l| im lame... >.< hahAs... naHh... she didnt suffer from lukeMia at all... =\ loLs... hmMm... had a choir meeting first ting in the morning during readiNg period... hahAs... its abt tad mr liEw tingy... didnt reli hear wad mr oNg is toking abt... cux too tired... =x er... ting he was tokin abt wad... reli happened and all... and tad it isnt kiNg koNg's fault... >.<" nt her fault den hu's fault? ever since she came to choir... no good tings ever happened... -sigH- dunno lahs... jus hope tad mr liEw would come back... =D lalala~ had matHs after tad... siaNs... loLs... den chinEse... deN chemistRy... new teachers gona take over for cheM aNd chinEse~! hahAs... seems gd hoRs..? but im sure tad few topics dey gonNa teach will nt be gd... cux no one will listen to dem tok de... waHahAs... hmMm... recEss... went to 3j to borrow p.O.a textbk... tad tupiD cheEcHai dowan gimme niAs... hai me jump like siaO... =x den... er... waiYi volunteered to help me in speaky voice... [oPpps... bUt... reLi bTh de loRs... hoRs luviNa..?] he went to pull up chEecHai's shiRt... -.-l| to reveal his... er... xXxXxXxXx... loLs... but managed to gt it in the end.. =D loLs... stayed in class duriNg recEss... did sth tO s***c***'s bAg... =x oPpps... lalala~ hmMm... after reCess... hoMe eCons wAs as boriNg as usuaL... loLs... gt no idea wad is maltasE aNd all... loLs... den... histoRy!!! gt back papErs... =\ i passed!! \(^.^)/ hoOraY~!!! 15/20 for sociaL studiEs... nt bad baHs..? =P first qn... one more marks i gt fuLll marks le... >.<" gonna find out wads tad tupid point i missed... hahas... [luviNa.xiaOqiNg : dUn saD woRs... caN dO beTa nextyM + next fEw tesTs de... =P] lalala~ i am proud to announce tad i passed all my tests sho far!! dowan tMr to come... >.< cux tmr getting back 2 papers tad im flunking fer sure... =\ cheM aNd maThs... (X.X) how how how?! argH... mayB gt mC tMr..? (o.O) sounds like one gd plaN... loLs... hmMm... had p.O.a fer the last 2 perioDs... quite understand wad she doiNg baHs... i guEss... she made us stay fer sho long! and outsidE is like, sho full of peEps waitiNg for us to faNg ke... hahAs... firstym 3i is sHo unitEd neHs.. -toucHed- hahAs... we shoUt aNd screaM togetHer... =x loLs... stayeD baCk aftEr scH to eaT... hmMm... sAw kaiYi!! hahAs... taD factoRy worKer... [his sCh unifoRm maKes hiM loOk liKe soMe1 workIng in thE factoRy...] hahAs... den... er... walk to mRt statioN... agaiN make me.joyCe sHo daMn depressEd... =( couples everywhr!! argH... bTh... wads wroNg arHs? y keep gt couples appearing to make us qi cake oNe... (x.x) hai.hai.hai.... oh ya... bTw... go loOk at wad rakceNt haD postEd iN friendstEr... kaOs... maKe mE lafF liKe maD niAs... mUs zHicHi hiM wiTh hiS plaN nEys!! =P its damN coOl... -eviL lafF- hmMm... tMr hafiNg p.O.a test!! peEps of 3i/j... goOd lucK fEr uR p.O.a tesT tMr~!! chaptErs testEd: chaPt. 1,2,3... jiayoUx~! ^___^
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
mardi, mars 02, 2004
Publié par
3/02/2004 04:26:00 PM
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