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    dimanche, juillet 27, 2008

    before you, my life was a moonless night

    and so the enthusiasm of photo-taking died off again.

    Whatever. 8-)

    It's supposed to be my naptime now, but I failed to drift off to slumber despite rolling on my bed for more than just a little while. Perhaps I've finally gotten use to the sleeping habits of a normal human being. No more hibernation for YT. :D This is a very good improvement. Now.. let's try to get rid of the laziness at dawn, shall we?

    Ahhh, it took me slightly more than two days (coughinschoolcough) to complete the sequel to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, New Moon.. and it got me so upset at the beginning, I cried in class and my mood got dampened during lunch break.

    Joann and Wenjing were both highly amused by my sobbing as I read the book. And Wenjing is a meanie, and I shall quote her from her blog (link at the right side, if you're interested) to prove to you:
    Right now Auntie YT is tearing away with her korean drama e-novel/storybook. Modern age aunties catch their dramas online, hers based solely on words.

    -.- bugger.


    I can totally feel the ache and the emptiness Bella was going through when Edward left her.. So sad. :( But then again, I really like the idea of her being with Jacob, you know.. I mean like, I'd definitely prefer my boyfriend to be warm and fuzzy instead of cold and hard. Plus Jacob is huge and kinda cute (from the way the author described).. so he doesn't exactly lose out to Edward.

    But then again.. Edward is damn handsome and charming (again, according to the author's description)!!!!1

    Hmmmmmmmmm why am I putting myself in such a dilemma? Sheesh, they are fictional! -.-

    - end of spoiler-

    Having some difficulties in finishing Eclipse now 'cause I'm beginning to feel so guilty for neglecting the project. :S Oh wells, I am an efficient reader, so no worries there for me. Heh. Can't wait for the fourth book man! And I wanna collect all the books la. I only bought Twilight. :( I wanna be able to re-read it as and when I want laaaaaaaaa. :( :( :(

    The boy and I basically bummed the week away due to some financial problems hahaha. Friday was spent with HX and KX in town, after school. Stefanie was supposed to be there too, but.. sigh. Oh well, I can't be too greedy, can I? Am glad enough to have HX around for some girly time. :D

    Billy, KX and I people-watched for the longest time outside Cine while waiting for the rest of the gang to join us for Prom Night and the movie is.. okay lor. Thrilling, but I kinda expected some of the scenes 'cause I was peeking off Joann's shoulder when she watched it online the other time. Haa.

    Caught up with a hugeeee party of KX's friends on Saturday. We loitered at KX's void deck for the longest time to discuss about dinner (with losta interruption about army, army and more army lives) and we settled for steamboat at Qingdian (spelling?)'s crib.

    It was after 8pm when that decision was made. Haa. We had to do marketing, preparation and all after that.. So dinner (supper?) started promptly at about 11pm, for all that helped out in the kitchen 'cause the others were just bumming around, thus explainning a later dinner for them.

    When I said hugeeee, it's really huge. Let's see.. There's KX, me, Ahbui, Shihui, Ahlim, Qianyi, Ahkang, Baozhu, Qingdian, Yunhui, Ahheng, his gf (forgot her name suddenly), Billy, Lester, Ben, Ahgoo, Ahmu.. if I didn't miss out anyone.. having steamboat altogether at Qingdian's crib. O.O

    I think my maid will commit suicide if I ever hold sucha party at my crib for no particular reason.. though I highly doubt that so many people can actually settle themselves comfortable at my crib hahaha.

    Dinner dragged through the night 'cause the steamboat itself was kinda problematic.. and our dinner all went down rather raw. Speaking of which, my stomach totally disagreed with it and I spent quality time with my toilet bowl just now. (H)

    KX's friends were rather amusing at times and conversations held in English were basically understood to be addressed by me. Gosh, I can understand and speak Mandarin (standard, that is) very well. -.- hahaha.

    I wasn't exactly well-fed when we left the crib, but it was pretty cool an experience in all. :D Nice to realise that I ain't sucha pain for most people to hang out with after all.. I think?

    Ahhhh.. to death with paranoia, pessimism and insecurity.

    Gotta love Agyness Deyn. (H)

    I Kaixiang

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