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    jeudi, octobre 11, 2007

    Random Thoughts #16

    I had a quick lunch of microwaved spaghetti with dear Stefanie on the steps at the train station before I rushed for work, catching up with stuff. It's just so nice to do something like that once in a while.

    I said something on MSN just now and I really like it:

    YINGTING says (12:34 AM):
    we cant be close because of MEN

    YINGTING says (12:34 AM):
    we're supposed to be close DESPITE MEN
    *puts on big celebrity shades and waves nonchalantly to everyone*

    And seriously? I really have no life. I've been to nowhere but the airport and home (and my room, my toilet and the kitchen; but it doesn't make me any less pathetic) for the past four days.

    Did I mention today's a WEDNESDAY?

    Just. Kill. Me.

    I'm just a sheer waste of oxygen, space, food and electricity.

    And call me pimply. I'm having a major breakout and it's not funny where they decided to implant their seeds (think mouth).

    Life never fails to remind me that things are ever-changing.

    As time goes by, the people around you just don't always stay the same. I uses an organizer and when I flip back to the past months, it's bizarre how the whole month can be filled with Tom's names and then the previous month will be Harry and perhaps the featured person for the month of October will be Dick.

    Shit happens, things changed.

    Nobody cares whether you like it or not, you just have to accept the fact that things had changed and you can't do a fucking thing to reverse the effect, to your benefit that is, because this is reality.

    I went on and typed just and this is what I get:
    just1 [juhst] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective
    1.guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
    2.done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply.
    3.based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim. keeping with truth or fact; true; correct: a just analysis.
    5.given or awarded rightly; deserved, as a sentence, punishment, or reward: a just penalty. accordance with standards or requirements; proper or right: just proportions.
    7.(esp. in Biblical use) righteous.
    8.actual, real, or genuine.
    9.within a brief preceding time; but a moment before: The sun just came out.
    10.exactly or precisely: This is just what I mean. a narrow margin; barely: The arrow just missed the mark.
    12.only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.
    13.actually; really; positively: The weather is just glorious.
    Okay... I raised my eyebrow whilst scanning the list of explanations but the explanation I was looking for wasn't there and maybe I'm just not meant to find that out.

    But anyways, inserting a just into a sentence can really morph the whole emotion of the sentence to the highest and most exasperating stage and.. well, ah fuck it.

    Tell me when will you be mine
    Tell me quando quando quando
    We can share a love divine
    Please don't make me wait again

    And I was getting worried you guys may forget how I look like:

    So there you have it, a photo of moi! :D

    And I am not taking enough narcissistic photos because that is the most recently and decent (= smiling and not looking very retarded) photo of myself I can dig out, and that have been long.

    Did I mention I'm not having such a great time at work?

    And I'm hitting the sack. Goodbye.

    I lifted this off here:
    Two people met, and fell in love. But to test fate, they decided to go on their separate ways and if they were truly meant to be, they will fall in love again.

    So they walked away, from each other.

    What they didn't know was - they have had met before. And that was exactly what they had decided to do - to challenge destiny. They had walked away before and now they have met again.

    They didn't know.

    So they walked away.

    Once again.

    And now, they will never meet.


    Love.. is all about timing, isn't it?

    It's always the right person, wrong time. [/UPDATE]

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