Because I tweet more often than I blog.

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    lundi, décembre 31, 2007

    It's the last day of 2007 already.


    Today I had lunch with the parents and I stared at mummy's hair for the longest time. Gawd, age is catching up on her. Those fine white hairs..

    For one moment, I feel so bad for having less than ten decent dinners with them throughout the year and arguing with them over the camera. I feel so guilty to think that most of the conversations I held with my mummy is about money, allowance, money and shopping.

    And even when I'm home, my eyes are always glued to my laptop.

    Every time I'm not home early, she'll ring me up and ask if I'd be home soon and I'd just snap an annoyed reply that I'd be home soon. It didn't occur to me that I was the primary reason why she couldn't sleep well at night.

    And now, it has come to a point that she gives up asking already (not that I'm really complaining, actually).

    I really can't bear to admit that one day, I'll lose her. It really frightens me just to think about it.

    I casually mentioned to her, after lunch, that she needs a new dye job.. and she started complaining about the maid not dying her hair evenly, to the extent she looks like she has have got this white patch just at the top.

    Well, okay.. so she ain't really aging so much.

    But I'm still sorry to make you worry so much about me since 18 years ago. I promise I'd be a better daughter. I promise.

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