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    samedi, août 09, 2008

    a twist in my story

    Here I am, all alone at KX's crib as the boy ran off to play you-know-what with his homies. Bah, oh well.. it gives me time to finally update photos!

    Nothing interesting, but I feel obliged to post them up nonetheless, lalala. I must must must revamp my spirit for cam-whoring, like seriously. It sucks to end the day with negative photos, because somehow it seem to be such a tiring strain to reach into my bag for my trusty camera.

    Er.. some photos from the day I went out with Stefanie some time last week (I forgot when already)

    Steffie! :]

    It always trill me to meet her, even though the frequency of that happening has decreased a helluva lot since........... ahhhh, I'm guilty as charged and I swear I'd make more time out for my girly girls! :B YT needs girlie sessions badly.

    ... and some random photos from school.

    Spongebob Squarepants Kinda Surprise! How cool is that eh? Joann's friend Elinda got it from the airport. Ahhhhhhhhh, I wish Kinda Surprise didn't extinct. It's still my favourite childhood chocolate eggs.

    Oooooooooooooooh... STARS.

    And my current addiction.
    I don't know why everyone thinks it's horrible lor. I love it soooooo much. Hur, at least I can have the whole pack to myself.. don't need to share.

    Mighty eyelashes!!!1

    And I hung out with Steffie on Thursday. :]

    We went for a lil' eyelashes shopping before heading for the ol' mighty pasar malam located at Bedok Reservoir (which has ended, btw). Lucky me get me enjoy it before it concluded.

    It was raining badly...

    I hate the rain. :[ It spoils plans and it wets my shoes.

    We waited for Huixian to join us, had a little book club session, in between yummy pasar malam bites, regarding *drum rolls* Twilight and it was rather enjoyable teasing Stefanie (she's tad slower than the two of us) with spoilers.. that are not true. Wahaha.

    And I had dinner with HX today (Friday) after school and then, supper with KX, Bui, Shihui and Botak.


    I've been eating so much, my bulging tummy is.... inevitable. SIGH. To starve or to exercise??

    Digressing, meet pumpkin..


    My lil' bunny from KX. :D

    There's this amusing story behind Pumpkin, but I'll skip you guys the agony of the details.

    Smiley and Pumpkin, accompanying me through this lonely Friday night, with my baby gone..

    Ahhhhh, my neck is aching.

    I feel so old all over. It's like I'm a teenager stuck in the body of a 60ish old lady.

    Needs. A. Massage.


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