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    dimanche, mai 07, 2006


    Time : 12.33 am

    I am very tired!!

    Seriously, lacking sleep!! I hadn't woke up late since the last Monday of April, and ever since, it had been early and late mornings. I just want to devote one day of the week to my beauty sleep, but it's just impossible. :(

    I don't know how I am going to cope with school, work and sleep.

    But I know I am going to be an Iron Woman by end of this month.

    Can you believe it?

    School every weekdays and work every Public Holidays and weekends.

    The only think that keeps me going on..

    is my pay..


    *sigh* I don't even have much time for friends. Wanna go out on weekends' nights?

    Urgh. PIMPLES.

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