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    mardi, décembre 19, 2006


    A few minutes back..

    Time check: 12.01 am
    I. Am. So. Pissed.
    1. I am sending Mabel, my Psychology classmate, our video and the video's huge, like 41MB/KB and it totally lag out my lappy.

    2. Shortly after, I CANNOT USE Internet Explorer to upload photos (Opera's a bitch when it comes to Friendster/Hotmail/Blogger/Photobucket).

    3. Never mind! I have this email that I wanna check urgently and yay! No IE!!

    4. I try being optimistic and cursed IE and turn to Opera for favours.

    5. Cannot access Hotmail.

    6. Photobucket worked! But like I said earlier, OPERA'S A BITCH and what's new? The link to upload more than one photo in a go is down as usual. And FYI, I have MILLIONS of photos pending to blog.

    7. Oh! My MSN got disconnected.

    8. The file transfers got cancelled and Mabel's sleeping already, with the computer on.

    Just fucking wonderful.

    Time check: 12.17 am
    1. IE's still loading Blogger and all I see is this blank piece of shit.

    2. Photobucket not working with both browsers.

    3. Opera still trying to load the page to download Mozilla.

    4. i just got connected to MSN (after like 5 minutes of signing in) and oh, I just got disconnected.


    Time check: 12.20 am
    I've rebotted trice and my lappy is till malfunctioning. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
    I tried messaging a few people on MSN when I finally got connected and my messages just got rejected.


    Time check: 12.31 am
    I've just rebotted again and everything's is still screwed.
    Now my Norton thingy is fixing some two problems and MSN failed to troubleshoot on whatever my problem seems to be.
    I am going to bed when the Norton thingy finish and I am still so fucking pissed.


    Okay. Things seemed to be OKAY but Photobucket is still laggy laggy laggy!

    For those people who can't wait to see how bad I look:

    Stupid bob-head (that doesn't bob, many thanks to the rain) with pretty Serena.

    YT hereby declares that all negative comments will be bounced back to the evil owners. YT also wants to announce that sticks may hurt her, but WORDS WILL NOT.

    Thank yew.

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