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    lundi, juillet 02, 2007

    Well spoken

    Took this off Little Miss DrinkAlot:

    There are some things in life that you sometimes wish just never happened. The confusion, the hurt, the anger, the regret - whatever emotions they may be - never really go away, and so you file them away at the back of your mind, lock the door and throw the key away.

    And then there are other things in life that you don't know, no matter how much you think about it, if you would have preferred not to have happened.


    But I don't know, if these lessons and experiences make up for everything else that I lost out on. There are days where I tell myself it was all worth it. And there are days when I really wish I had just not taken the plunge.

    The decision to close had not been too difficult to make. And while I was sad, the over-riding feeling had been that of relief. And then I felt guilty about feeling relieved. And then I felt defensive about feeling guilty. And then I felt...

    I'm tired of thinking about it. And so I tell myself - sometimes in life, you just don't get your answers.

    Woah. Ditto for me.

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