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    dimanche, mars 02, 2008

    lost my phone (again)

    I lost my phone again at Zouk.


    You have no idea how it feels to lose the phone (+ contacts) if you hadn't lose your phone before.

    And you have no idea how I feel to lose my phone trice and with 2 occurrences at Zouk. (FYI, someone took the phone (and off-ed it almost immediately) from my shorts' pocket right after I slipped it in after texting at the dancefloor)

    In case you didn't know.. my phone was bought on Valentine's day and I dig it so much cause it's red. :(

    Fucking emo; because luck has been going down down downhill for me.

    Take my camera la. Take my belt la. They are worth more than the phone and they mean lesser (that doesn't mean you should come steal them now though).

    And it's so troublesome and difficult to trace back numbers; plus I'm very wanted by muumuuforyou's suppliers and I have no means to find them. Hohoho.

    To friends: Gimme your contacts on Monday. The courier will only gimme a new SIM card by then. Thanks alot and much appreciated.

    And oh, please visit muumuuforyou because I need money and if you've been interested in my wardrobe, buzz me and we can work a deal out.

    Meanwhile, the YT phone donation fund is UP. If everyone will just donate like, $1 (or more, if you wanna) to me.. It'll help YT get a phone back soon enough to prevent her daddy from murdering her. :D Email/MSN me for more details. MWAHS.

    No more shopping for YT.

    And more updates about the weekend 8ter.

    YT (you know you love me)

    P.S.: And you know you love Gossip Girl too, if you understood the para before this. Heeheehee.

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