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    samedi, juin 02, 2007



    I ought to start studying really really hard already so I'm going to cut my posts short and sweet.

    In a nutshell, I've only started studying yesterday (and I daresay, the attempt failed rather badly) and I went to catch Spongebob Squarepants with Lecia! I would've posted up the photos I took (bad effect anyway, shaky hands..) but this isn't my laptop, so I can't upload the photos yet.

    I won't say it's a bad musical.. But the voices of the characters just don't sound the same. The costumes can definitely be improved and I think the best props awards go to Plankton and Gary. THEY ARE SUPER CUTE!!

    Oh, Ekkawat was there with a girl too. :)

    I wanted to get the SBSP plushie but Lecia thinks it costed too much for a little toy ($25). But you know how things are like, you see all the girls around you clutching on to that plushie, and you'll start wanting it so badly too!


    Well, I needa hop down to McDonald's and start yet another mugging session already! GOOD LUCK TO YOU MUGGERS OUT THERE TOO! *flying kisses*

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