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    samedi, janvier 05, 2008

    Bad day

    I dressed to the nines today.. only to roam aimlessly in town with the classmates, get bummed hard.. trice and chillax at Coffeebean with Steffie and laughing hard over the most nonsensical and lamest stuff we would never show a hint of laughter, given a good day, and then back to the crib before ten.

    And Lecia babe, I love you and you can always talk to me about stuff, I swear I'll listen.

    While mourning over just how sad my life has turned out for me, Steffie mentioned this with the as a matter of fact tone, "You just need company."

    And it hit me that yeah.. that's what everyone will be needing in such times. I'll be the company for any of my girls if they need a hug.

    It does make sense.

    And well.. Just because my pain is insignificant as compared and I ain't crying my heart out.. doesn't mean I'm not hurt, I hadn't been crying or that I do not need the listening ear and the friendly hug which says, "Fuck everything, you still have me."

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