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    mardi, mai 13, 2008

    listen to me hear what I say

    I think if I go on complaining about how bored I am again and again, every single day.. you guys will totally condemn my blog. Haha.

    So yah, I'll try my very best to stop reminding you that I am oh so bored in school.

    Both Joann's and my screens are of the same page, but minimized to a size such that no one will (be smart enough to) realise that both of us are blogging. :D Smart right??

    Anyway, I finally caught Harold and Kumar yesterday with KX! It is very funny and lame la. Go watch it too! And then we played CS too, which I totally suck in. KNS I think I only killed 3 people throughout the entire time we were at the lan shop lor. T_T

    I've been eating a helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lot. Let's see, for today.. I had chee chong fan, tapioca crackers, Pocky, KFC's 2 piece chicken meal, Jelly Tots, Meiji milk chocolate.. and it'd not even 4.30pm yet. T____T Talk about getting ballooning up.

    Okay, photos will be up later or something. OUT! 30 more minutes to clock-out! :D :D :D

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