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    mercredi, juin 28, 2006


    Time : 11.02 pm

    Spain is so disappointing. I'm losing money because of them, and make it twice. URGH.

    Anyway, I watched the World Cup over at Amelia's and Brazil won me money! And Spain lost me the money! YAY! How happy that is!

    *kicks the television*

    I could hardly survive today in school! Gosh, my energy was elasping from my body and I so wanna sleep! The day was boring. We had lunch and went to play pool again.

    Lecia came to find me and we had dinner at 121 with Huixian. Yum. No stingray and pig's organ soup today! Boo.

    Am so tired! Sleep! Adis!

    /update Xiangrong told me the word to make Josh kiss me! Thanks, babe. ;) If you cannot crack it out as well, it'll gladly tell you on MSN or such!

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