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    mardi, septembre 05, 2006


    Here's the photos as I promised:

    P.S.: Since it's JOYCE'S DAY, all the frames will be in BLUE! ;D

    Papers had dinner at NEW YORK NEW YORK at CityLink. :)

    Another one of my portrait! Stupid Amelia wetted my lovely picture. Haha. Anyway, the girls are all identified below:


    Stefanie's missing, dunno where the fish tagliatelle fly to. Haha.

    We secretly bough the birthday girl a CAKE! :)

    Look at the slogans on our shirts! Damn cute right?

    P.S.: I know my necklace is lovely. :D

    Joyce is happy because she adores her presents from us! :)

    I bought a BIG box of koko crunch to share with the girls. :D

    NEOPRINTS! I know the last neoprint is horrible. Haha.

    Oh, a photo before my camera died!

    I am quite slack with the captions lah. Sorry, 'cause it's belated and my heart's no longer with the celebration already. Haha.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! :) Mature lah, mature lah. Hahaha.


    Today I worked at Bugis and I AM DEAD BEAT. New arrivals came today and there's like 200 pairs waiting for my colleague and me (2 people only!) to check, telly, open, put on shelves. A very upset Lecia came to visit me. *hugs* And Amelia came at night to wait for me to close the shop and go home together. AWWW.. Ain't they the sweetest things. :)

    Work again tomorrow at Bugis, COME VISIT ME! (come with food as offering! Hahaha)


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