Because I tweet more often than I blog.

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    mardi, août 29, 2006


    Ah~ Am finally willing to post up my photos! But now, I'm too lazy to blog in details, so I photoshopped them with lots of texts! :)


    Oh, here's a story about my charm bracelet, courtesy to Amelia!

    One fine day, I wear my shoe and took my key out to lock my door as I left the house! It started to rain (umbrellia, see?) and so, I took a plane down to Hawaii to tan under the golden sun with my bikini! :D

    Who says my charms don't mean anything? XD

    If TICTAC's looking for new poster girls, LOOK NO FURTHER! Hahaha.

    My Applie Pie from Ivan because I was so noisy whining for one. XD

    At least I won't need to do so until 22nd October! :D



    I'm having my holidays now and I need dates! So if you're bored, free and have no where or one to go out with, CALL ME! Heehee.

    All work and no play will make Yingting a very dull girl. :)

    Anyways, my frames so colourful hor, spice up my plain white blog totally. :D

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