introducing the infamous ... Da, vid, Gan !!
Time : 10.45 pm
hello ! XD nicenice day. *big wide grin* friday ! the last day of the week/term ! whee ~~
had a talk on the o;levels results and all. there;s this story abt a little boy who had his legs totally burnt up, but grew up to be a famous runner. determination. that;s sth im lacking of. =x had Maths test. woot. tough.
nth much happened then. did a test which Joyce claimed to be so tough so tough. >.<" went through surveys and we started chatting like nobody;s business. everyone in a nutshell. XD was supposed to have Chemistry after that, but we bugged Ms tay to give us CME instead. lol. so she started cursing those she predict that will do badly and all. hahaa ~
choir was boring as usual. argh. waited for Amelia.Huixian and we went to get hotdogs and chestnuts ! cooked at my house and makan-ed. lol. so fun. then we started playing tau-pok. where everyone will stack up on one innocent person. XD watched tv. MeiMan and Raymond so sweet ! so jealous. ):
introducing Da, vid, Gan !! the infamous hair stylists !! =D Da;s Amelia, vid;s me, and Gan;s Joyce. naturally, Gan was the useless-est hair stylist. =x Da and me worked out HuiXian;s hair prefectly. she looked so cute !
checkitout !
so cuteeeeee right ?!
lol. fooled around and the girls just left. (: it;s gonna be a weekly session at my house every Friday ! i think. hahaaa ~ so fun. XD
my gugu (as in aunty. if u;re thinking of sth else, u;re dirty-minded) is finally getting married tmr ! woopie ~ so happy for her. gonna see her most beautiful sight tmr. (: a wedding lunch. cool ~ will be meeting the girls at town right after that, and maybe i shall pop by at the Taka shop. (:
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
vendredi, mars 11, 2005
it;s nice. just us fooling around without any tension. (:
Publié par
3/11/2005 10:47:00 PM
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