leave (get out)
Time : 9.15 pm
this post is gonna be so longg. so, get ready your favoirite teddy bear, a glass of water and some food to munch on while reading. (:
i totally screwed up during Chemistry. totally restless, and i broke 2 testtubes in a go. dammit. like, duh. what;s wrong with me ?! Ms Tay acted blind, so i wasn;t charged. *phew* the experiments were cool. seeing those chemicals mix together. (@.@) nth much happen after that, actually.
English test was wonderful. i had sucha great sleep. had health check during Physics. perferrrt timing, man ! was the first to take the blood pressure (it sucks. sqeezing your arm hard.), i was the nurse for the rest of the class ! =D it sure is fun. all the girls said that i have a bright future in being a nurse. XD *floats away*
the guys are soooo nasty. *laughs bitterly* looking so disappointed that it wasn;t some other meinu (pretty girls) :( im not that bad righttt? =x those mean guys also dont wanna accompany me go back to class to get my books ! meanie meanie. ended up enjoying only 5mins of Physics. TOTALLY COOL.
im now beside JunKai !! =D gt someone pei me talk during lessons time already.heehee. and KoonAnn at Junkai;s other side. tables linked ! so fun. kept pestering them to do their work. wahahaa !
had an assembly talk abt STD and ADIS. sheesh. the pictures are obsence. went for Choir after that. auition ! i dunno what to say. 'cause i dont wanna be acused by some bitches in choir (i dunno who though.) that im eating sour grapes.
im outta SYF. go on ! think that ima lousy singer. whatever. complaining that we (me & Joyce) have childish/ kidish voices. DUH ! what u want us to do abt it? as if we can change the pitch of our voices ! HAH ! if that is posible, will u be able to differciate between a guy and a girl?
nvm me, but Joyce was really.. upset in a angry way. screaming vuglarities at us. LOL. she only get to sing a note and out she go. tsktsk. dear Ms Poh, if you are biased against us, cant u be just a little unclear? or at least in insignificant amount, to make us feel a l'il better. well, at least i get to sing 3 notes before im not.
i know we dont have perfect attendance. neither do we participate in all the choir activites willingly. so prejudicing ! im so glad im not of any other color, cause im sure she;ll be racist towards me. but hey, im not feeling bad or upset, so dont gimme the sypmathy crap. (: im fine. SERIOUSLY.
but the other "outs" are taking this matter pretty hardly. some were crying rather badly. ): cheerup guys ! (: it;s the choir's lose not to have us around. [quoted: KoonAnn] Joyce did something shocking when we left. SHE SLAMMED THE DOOR hard. woahhh !! u go, girl ! =D had lots of chocolate after that. didja know that chocolates have calming effects? (:
u know.. (sorry. i have no where else to crap) how i just wish the dumb conductors could just tell us who they wanna out, like, 2 mths ago ? choir totally wasted my time, and defy me from doing what i actually wanna do. totally waste my holidays' time. 20 hours in school dammit. and all the fridays and wednesdays ! i could had hitted town or somewhere else, instead of being stuck in a socky-smelly room.
i was thinking abt PTI session, which is on a Friday. thinking that i could rush down to my class right after choir. oppps.. i totally forget that im outta it already. >.<
this is my very last practise in MJR choir already. woopie ~ feeling so numb. LOL. dunno what to say already
KoonAnn: thank you ! im so gan dong to have u as a friend. very gandong !! :D
on the contary, i dont think this post is long now. i actually thought i would have lots to type, but.. ditto to that now !
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
mercredi, mars 23, 2005
whatever shit. i dont care. u go and gossip about whatever shit u want. that;s your life. go ahead and screw yours. but dont ever try touching mine.
Publié par
3/23/2005 09:12:00 PM
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