my throat is killing me.
Time : 10.45 pm
darn my computer. restart for 2 times automatically already. Amelia must be nearby. *sniff for Amelia* =x anyway, Joyce made me wait for a long time. >.<>
went to buy a green hairband. heehee. im abt to have all the secondary colors already. im short of yellow ! did i mention i bought blue ytd? =x k*box-ed after that. boohoo. my throat's killing me (mentioned in my title). so pain. went screaming the songs. =x Cine's k*box so lousy. NO LONG LIST OF EVERY SONGS. wth. lousiest k*box i ever went. there's only a page of Energy songs ! how could that be !!
Kokhong called and we went to catch Spongebob again. >.<" it's not that bad, since we only have to pay $5 each. thanks Koonpheng ! (: the whole group consist of: Kokhong, Koonann, Koonpheng, Siahmong, Gibson, Yuetyong, Xiangrong, Jenny, Immping. i think that's abt it. sorry if i left anyone out !
the show is still as nice as every. hilarous. i'll die if i wach the 3rd time. =x i realised i always watch cartoons twice. first, The Incredibles. now this. LOL. stupid Koonann went to steal my phone. *cries* always take my things oneee !! %$^#*!! gt it back after he unscrewed it's antenna. :( my poor phone. got raped til so poor thing.
seriously, i did not know that my phone's antenna can remove one ! i was so surprised to see him unscrewing. =x okayokay. im a mountain turtle. finally gt it back when the antenna dropped, and i screamed like crazy.
went Speggedies and he's working ! *starts giggling like crazy* heehee.
ate Sakae at Wheellock. woahh.. im so full after.. 3 & 1/2 plates. -.-" our bill turn out to be less than $15. XD see.. we eat so less. went home cause i wanna start working on my f&n. MsOng thinks that 4i is soooo free. wanting us to do..
- Survey
- Survey Analysis
- Casy Study
- 3-day food record
- find recipes
- list the ingredients, utensils needed in table form
CRAZY RIGHT ?! it's just 3 days of weekends !! this is the lousy thing about have 4 periods of f&n on Mondays. *grumbles*
thanks Huixian for burning the Mircosoft Office 2000 disc for me ! i have Mircosoft Words and all now !! who needs this programs? either ask the disc from me, or i can go over and help u out ! (cause it consits of alot of random guessings and clickings) i charge though ! discount will be given to close ones. hee.
how i wish.. *sigh*
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