Time : 9.00 pm
hello. Thursday. had a talk about having the 3months in JC continuing. cool. lessons were fine. cant really remember what happened. passed KoonAnn his present, and the prank thing ended up in WeiZhen's bag. wahaha !
cant remember, cant remember. oog ! MdmWee didn't come, and we ended up having Physics. boohoo. so boring ! cant remember. *shakes head*
u idiot. u are making me so upset. upset over nth. i cant take it anymore. but i really cannot move on. i need to know that u're there.
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
jeudi, mars 31, 2005
Publié par
3/31/2005 07:59:00 PM
mercredi, mars 30, 2005
money money.
Time : 8.30 pm
boo ! feeling very sleepy today. *yawn* lack of sleep ! school was fine today. really bored though, no one to make conversations with me. :( and some idiot kept tickling me. =x PTI this Friday. gosh ! so fast. i actually forget that my mum asked me to bluff MsTay that she wont be able to go, and i handed in the form stating that she'll be going. im so dead now.
assembly was sex talks again. sheesh. i wonder if it will be something related next assembly. hmmm.. i hope not. =x went Bugis with Joyce after school. woah. finally a day to shop after school ! ate and had a hard time trying to find presents. i hate buying presents for guys. it's always shirts and shirts and shirts. even if i try to change, i still cant find anything, and i'll still end up with shirts. bummer.
so, if you're a guy. and my budget is not cheapo. guess what u'll get? LOL.
okay. i know my jokes aren't funny.
lalala.. bought 3 presents in a day. not bad not bad. *gives myself a pat on my back*
i saw this skirt i really like !! *drools* moneymoney. maybe i should open a Krusty Crabs 2 too. to earn more money. okae. im turning crazy. i want that skirt...
sports' heat today ! so cool. blue will win ! *3 cheers* hip hip *honk* ! hip hip *honk* ! hip hip *honk* !
im suffering from too much of Spongebob movie. this is one of the symptons. blogging about what happened in the movie. >.<"
Publié par
3/30/2005 06:17:00 PM
mardi, mars 29, 2005
wahaha !
Time : 9.30 pm
blogging time. :) a Tuesday. ms Tay made me remove my button ear-rings the moment she saw them. bummer. some people just cannot appreciate cute stuff. =x oohooh ! and it's attracting so much attention. so cute right. heehee. lessons were okay. Junkai kept commenting that im extremely noisy today. XD alright what. lol.
went HeKeePau (??) with the girls [me.siewling.kelly.huixian.amelia.stefanie]. *burp* im so full ! i cant even finish my food. and the girls went crazy with dialects. okay.. i admit i suck at dialects. i speak english and chinese. not any other dialects. LOL. at least i know how to count to ten with teochew. so dont mock me.
Amelia came over after that. my com simply hates her. wahaha ! the monent she came into my room, it hanged. =x luckily, it only hanged twice. my com's in a good mood today. =x lalala ~ acted as her when her daddy called. i sound rather convincing huh?Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday. 3 more days to go. yippee !!
Publié par
3/29/2005 09:22:00 PM
lundi, mars 28, 2005
argh. curse all the dental nurses.
Time : 1.15 pm
ya. im not in school. shall explain later. i wonder if my class f&n students are reading my blog. *wavewave* can anyone see me ?! lessons will end at 2.25pm, so PLEASE VISIT MY BLOG AND TAG. hee.
anyway, i went for dental, this morning. sat a cab, drove by a rather talkative driver. he was talking to me non-stop during the journey, when im trying to catch some sleep. -.-" $11. (T.T) im not exactly rich, u know. this cab ride had burnt my pocket rather badly.
wait for my name to be called, and the nurse informed me that i have no appointment today. *stunned*
so irritating ! lets review back to the post when we went for the final bball match. im not sure if i blogged about me changing my appointment date, but i am very certained i did ! and now that dumb nurse is insisting that i did not change, and that i had went for the so-called appointed on the match day.
wth. someone go pose as me and go for dental meh? bullshit. so irritating. now she put my next dental appointment to 10 May. that's like, 2 months later?? ^%$#@! that will be 4 mths without changing my bands. amusing. im so glad i took extra care of my braces, and that it's not yellowish.
more to add, she refuses to gimme an excuse slip cause i didn't see the doctor !! ahhh !! *pulls hair with anger* now i have to visit the doctor. so irritating.
i wonder what my class is doing now..? :D gonna Pizza Hut with Amelia.Huixian later ! yipeee ~ sometimes i just wish you know what's going on inside my head, and let things go my way. why cant you see that it's so real? u dumbass.
Publié par
3/28/2005 01:13:00 PM
dimanche, mars 27, 2005
boo ! (:
Time : 11.30 pm
just a quick update before i turn in for the day. :)
*yawn* been really busy with f&n and stuff. i am still forgeting to call Junkai ! shall ask him tmr then. (: gotta go to school tmr, despite the dental. stupid Dad insist that i should go to school after my dental. nvm. it's just 2 periods of Chinese and 4 periods of F&N. :D
so many work, so less time. (T.T)
you, bitch. i hate you.
Publié par
3/27/2005 11:29:00 PM
samedi, mars 26, 2005
Time : 10.30 pm
hello ! im so hungry. *crumble up* i need foooood. *gasp*
i keep forgeting to remind myself that i need to call Junkai and ask him for his portfolio, and ask him to tell me what he ate for the past three days (psst! it's for f&n, if u think im saddistic to ask for these useless stuff). hopefully, by typing it here. i will be able to remember it. (: yingting !! must remember. if not MsOng will squash u to death.
watched Son of the Mask ! no comments. the baby is soooooo adorable though. cannot find any presents. (T.T) i hate March. so many idiots are bornt at around this time. oohooh. i saw alot people today! hahaa.. do you know that radiation can make a mouse's arrow move down? i was sending a msg, and my arrow just went down. amusing.
sorry Koonann for scatching your hand and causing it to bled. =x *bows and apologies again*
oh well. my father just snatched my com away from me just now. guess it's for what. see cars. >.<" anyway, Aikchun requested for me to blog ! so i shall publish now so he can read. =x
Publié par
3/26/2005 10:22:00 PM
vendredi, mars 25, 2005
my throat is killing me.
Time : 10.45 pm
darn my computer. restart for 2 times automatically already. Amelia must be nearby. *sniff for Amelia* =x anyway, Joyce made me wait for a long time. >.<>
went to buy a green hairband. heehee. im abt to have all the secondary colors already. im short of yellow ! did i mention i bought blue ytd? =x k*box-ed after that. boohoo. my throat's killing me (mentioned in my title). so pain. went screaming the songs. =x Cine's k*box so lousy. NO LONG LIST OF EVERY SONGS. wth. lousiest k*box i ever went. there's only a page of Energy songs ! how could that be !!
Kokhong called and we went to catch Spongebob again. >.<" it's not that bad, since we only have to pay $5 each. thanks Koonpheng ! (: the whole group consist of: Kokhong, Koonann, Koonpheng, Siahmong, Gibson, Yuetyong, Xiangrong, Jenny, Immping. i think that's abt it. sorry if i left anyone out !
the show is still as nice as every. hilarous. i'll die if i wach the 3rd time. =x i realised i always watch cartoons twice. first, The Incredibles. now this. LOL. stupid Koonann went to steal my phone. *cries* always take my things oneee !! %$^#*!! gt it back after he unscrewed it's antenna. :( my poor phone. got raped til so poor thing.
seriously, i did not know that my phone's antenna can remove one ! i was so surprised to see him unscrewing. =x okayokay. im a mountain turtle. finally gt it back when the antenna dropped, and i screamed like crazy.
went Speggedies and he's working ! *starts giggling like crazy* heehee.
ate Sakae at Wheellock. woahh.. im so full after.. 3 & 1/2 plates. -.-" our bill turn out to be less than $15. XD see.. we eat so less. went home cause i wanna start working on my f&n. MsOng thinks that 4i is soooo free. wanting us to do..
- Survey
- Survey Analysis
- Casy Study
- 3-day food record
- find recipes
- list the ingredients, utensils needed in table form
CRAZY RIGHT ?! it's just 3 days of weekends !! this is the lousy thing about have 4 periods of f&n on Mondays. *grumbles*
thanks Huixian for burning the Mircosoft Office 2000 disc for me ! i have Mircosoft Words and all now !! who needs this programs? either ask the disc from me, or i can go over and help u out ! (cause it consits of alot of random guessings and clickings) i charge though ! discount will be given to close ones. hee.
how i wish.. *sigh*
Publié par
3/25/2005 10:45:00 PM
my throat is killing me.
Time : 10.45 pm
darn my computer. restart for 2 times automatically already. Amelia must be nearby. *sniff for Amelia* =x anyway, Joyce made me wait for a long time. >.<>
went to buy a green hairband. heehee. im abt to have all the secondary colors already. im short of yellow ! did i mention i bought blue ytd? =x k*box-ed after that. boohoo. my throat's killing me (mentioned in my title). so pain. went screaming the songs. =x Cine's k*box so lousy. NO LONG LIST OF EVERY SONGS. wth. lousiest k*box i ever went. there's only a page of Energy songs ! how could that be !!
Kokhong called and we went to catch Spongebob again. >.<" it's not that bad, since we only have to pay $5 each. thanks Koonpheng ! (: the whole group consist of: Kokhong, Koonann, Koonpheng, Siahmong, Gibson, Yuetyong, Xiangrong, Jenny, Immping. i think that's abt it. sorry if i left anyone out !
the show is still as nice as every. hilarous. i'll die if i wach the 3rd time. =x i realised i always watch cartoons twice. first, The Incredibles. now this. LOL. stupid Koonann went to steal my phone. *cries* always take my things oneee !! %$^#*!! gt it back after he unscrewed it's antenna. :( my poor phone. got raped til so poor thing.
seriously, i did not know that my phone's antenna can remove one ! i was so surprised to see him unscrewing. =x okayokay. im a mountain turtle. finally gt it back when the antenna dropped, and i screamed like crazy.
went Speggedies and he's working ! *starts giggling like crazy* heehee.
ate Sakae at Wheellock. woahh.. im so full after.. 3 & 1/2 plates. -.-" our bill turn out to be less than $15. XD see.. we eat so less. went home cause i wanna start working on my f&n. MsOng thinks that 4i is soooo free. wanting us to do..
- Survey
- Survey Analysis
- Casy Study
- 3-day food record
- find recipes
- list the ingredients, utensils needed in table form
CRAZY RIGHT ?! it's just 3 days of weekends !! this is the lousy thing about have 4 periods of f&n on Mondays. *grumbles*
how i wish.. *sigh*
Publié par
3/25/2005 10:45:00 PM
37.8 Degrees C ! (:
Time : 12.30 pm
im waiting for Joyce now and that idiot is taking sucha long time to bathe !! *grumbles*
anyway, had fever ytd night. heh heh. been long since i last suffered from fever. my daddy was like, "are you sure?" and he demanded that he take his temperature too to make sure the thermometer wasn't spoilt.
his readings was 39.4 !! (@.@) totally shocked can. then he started giggling.
"i was drinking hot water.."
-.-" how lame can he be ?!
btw, happy Good Friday !! (:
Publié par
3/25/2005 12:50:00 PM
jeudi, mars 24, 2005
YO !! anyway, just for gags. some idiotic fly went into my school blouse right pocket, and decided to live there already. -.-" people drop hair, and it dropped wings ! i have 4 of its wings on my table now. and no, i did not kill it.
back to today, nth much happened. let me think. im sure there's sth to blog abt. oooh ! the fly fly away le. ChanGuangDong nv come school ! his grandma had unfortunately passed away. the rest of us were all mugging with our English compo. haha.. we are soooo creative ! i took drugs for my compo and went to the drug rehabition. (: KoonAnn's compo's brother passed away. and etc. XD it's a loss to all those script writers to not employ us.
Kelly didn't come today ! get well soon ! (: POA was so not fun. :( was made to sit in front where it's soooo boring ! hmmm.. she has very hairy armpits. =x okayokay. change of topic. had Maths test. i loveeee loci ! if only the whole o'levels paper is like this !! i tell u, i'll get 100/100 for sure. =x Fahmy will be leaving early every Thursday. cool.
went for POA at the library. so boring ! that darn librarian accused me of bringing their "Career Guide Book" out, and only returning it today. WTH. i take from the shelf one neh ! u old already, forget.. also cannot anyhow accuse people de mah. idiot. copied the ans from AiHua's file. XD
waited for Joyce and the Goh brothers bully me !! :( KP took my bag, and KA took my wallet. went chasing him around the 3rd level fro my darn wallet. that idiot ! ran into the boys' toilet and struggled for my wallet, but to no avail. :( he finally returned me when he went for band ! :D FINALLY.
went SingPost with Joyce for lunch. walked home and idle chatted. (:
public holiday tmr ! wheeeeeeeeee ~
it's all about YOU
Publié par
3/24/2005 08:39:00 PM
BOOBOO !! (:
Time : 8.00 pm
YO !! anyway, just for gags. some idiotic fly went into my school blouse right pocket, and decided to live there already. -.-" people drop hair, and it dropped wings ! i have 4 of its wings on my table now. and no, i did not kill it.
back to today, nth much happened. let me think. im sure there's sth to blog abt. oooh ! the fly fly away le. ChanGuangDong nv come school ! his grandma had unfortunately passed away. the rest of us were all mugging with our English compo. haha.. we are soooo creative ! i took drugs for my compo and went to the drug rehabition. (: KoonAnn's compo's brother passed away. and etc. XD it's a loss to all those script writers to not employ us.
Kelly didn't come today ! get well soon ! (: POA was so not fun. :( was made to sit in front where it's soooo boring ! hmmm.. she has very hairy armpits. =x okayokay. change of topic. had Maths test. i loveeee loci ! if only the whole o'levels paper is like this !! i tell u, i'll get 100/100 for sure. =x Fahmy will be leaving early every Thursday. cool.
went for POA at the library. so boring ! that darn librarian accused me of bringing their "Career Guide Book" out, and only returning it today. WTH. i take from the shelf one neh ! u old already, forget.. also cannot anyhow accuse people de mah. idiot. copied the ans from AiHua's file. XD
waited for Joyce and the Goh brothers bully me !! :( KP took my bag, and KA took my wallet. went chasing him around the 3rd level fro my darn wallet. that idiot ! ran into the boys' toilet and struggled for my wallet, but to no avail. :( he finally returned me when he went for band ! :D FINALLY.
went SingPost with Joyce for lunch. walked home and idle chatted. (:
public holiday tmr ! wheeeeeeeeee ~
Publié par
3/24/2005 07:46:00 PM
BOOBOO !! (:
Time : 8.00 pm
YO !! anyway, just for gags. some idiotic fly went into my school blouse right pocket, and decided to live there already. -.-" people drop hair, and it dropped wings ! i have 4 of its wings on my table now. and no, i did not kill it.
back to today, nth much happened. let me think. im sure there's sth to blog abt. oooh ! the fly fly away le. ChanGuangDong nv come school ! his grandma had unfortunately passed away. the rest of us were all mugging with our English compo. haha.. we are soooo creative ! i took drugs for my compo and went to the drug rehabition. (: KoonAnn's compo's brother passed away. and etc. XD it's a loss to all those script writers to not employ us.
Kelly didn't come today ! get well soon ! (: POA was so not fun. :( was made to sit in front where it's soooo boring ! hmmm.. she has very hairy armpits. =x okayokay. change of topic. had Maths test. i loveeee loci ! if only the whole o'levels paper is like this !! i tell u, i'll get 100/100 for sure. =x Fahmy will be leaving early every Thursday. cool.
went for POA at the library. so boring ! that darn librarian accused me of bringing their "Career Guide Book" out, and only returning it today. WTH. i take from the shelf one neh ! u old already, forget.. also cannot anyhow accuse people de mah. idiot. copied the ans from AiHua's file. XD
waited for Joyce and the Goh brothers bully me !! :( KP took my bag, and KA took my wallet. went chasing him around the 3rd level fro my darn wallet. that idiot ! ran into the boys' toilet and struggled for my wallet, but to no avail. :( he finally returned me when he went for band ! :D FINALLY.
went SingPost with Joyce for lunch. walked home and idle chatted. (:
public holiday tmr ! wheeeeeeeeee ~
Publié par
3/24/2005 07:46:00 PM
mercredi, mars 23, 2005
leave (get out)
Time : 9.15 pm
this post is gonna be so longg. so, get ready your favoirite teddy bear, a glass of water and some food to munch on while reading. (:
i totally screwed up during Chemistry. totally restless, and i broke 2 testtubes in a go. dammit. like, duh. what;s wrong with me ?! Ms Tay acted blind, so i wasn;t charged. *phew* the experiments were cool. seeing those chemicals mix together. (@.@) nth much happen after that, actually.
English test was wonderful. i had sucha great sleep. had health check during Physics. perferrrt timing, man ! was the first to take the blood pressure (it sucks. sqeezing your arm hard.), i was the nurse for the rest of the class ! =D it sure is fun. all the girls said that i have a bright future in being a nurse. XD *floats away*
the guys are soooo nasty. *laughs bitterly* looking so disappointed that it wasn;t some other meinu (pretty girls) :( im not that bad righttt? =x those mean guys also dont wanna accompany me go back to class to get my books ! meanie meanie. ended up enjoying only 5mins of Physics. TOTALLY COOL.
im now beside JunKai !! =D gt someone pei me talk during lessons time already.heehee. and KoonAnn at Junkai;s other side. tables linked ! so fun. kept pestering them to do their work. wahahaa !
had an assembly talk abt STD and ADIS. sheesh. the pictures are obsence. went for Choir after that. auition ! i dunno what to say. 'cause i dont wanna be acused by some bitches in choir (i dunno who though.) that im eating sour grapes.
im outta SYF. go on ! think that ima lousy singer. whatever. complaining that we (me & Joyce) have childish/ kidish voices. DUH ! what u want us to do abt it? as if we can change the pitch of our voices ! HAH ! if that is posible, will u be able to differciate between a guy and a girl?
nvm me, but Joyce was really.. upset in a angry way. screaming vuglarities at us. LOL. she only get to sing a note and out she go. tsktsk. dear Ms Poh, if you are biased against us, cant u be just a little unclear? or at least in insignificant amount, to make us feel a l'il better. well, at least i get to sing 3 notes before im not.
i know we dont have perfect attendance. neither do we participate in all the choir activites willingly. so prejudicing ! im so glad im not of any other color, cause im sure she;ll be racist towards me. but hey, im not feeling bad or upset, so dont gimme the sypmathy crap. (: im fine. SERIOUSLY.
but the other "outs" are taking this matter pretty hardly. some were crying rather badly. ): cheerup guys ! (: it;s the choir's lose not to have us around. [quoted: KoonAnn] Joyce did something shocking when we left. SHE SLAMMED THE DOOR hard. woahhh !! u go, girl ! =D had lots of chocolate after that. didja know that chocolates have calming effects? (:
u know.. (sorry. i have no where else to crap) how i just wish the dumb conductors could just tell us who they wanna out, like, 2 mths ago ? choir totally wasted my time, and defy me from doing what i actually wanna do. totally waste my holidays' time. 20 hours in school dammit. and all the fridays and wednesdays ! i could had hitted town or somewhere else, instead of being stuck in a socky-smelly room.
i was thinking abt PTI session, which is on a Friday. thinking that i could rush down to my class right after choir. oppps.. i totally forget that im outta it already. >.<
this is my very last practise in MJR choir already. woopie ~ feeling so numb. LOL. dunno what to say already
KoonAnn: thank you ! im so gan dong to have u as a friend. very gandong !! :D
on the contary, i dont think this post is long now. i actually thought i would have lots to type, but.. ditto to that now !
Publié par
3/23/2005 09:12:00 PM
mardi, mars 22, 2005
Tuesday. (:
Time : 8.15 pm
hello.. tied pig-tails to school with Amelia, but Amelia was too affected by the comments, to keep that style to the end of the day. haha ~ school was alright today. nth much happened. i plucked Koonann;s leg hair !! XD he was like, swearing in pain after that. wahaha ! it;s now sitting on my table comfortablely. hahaa..
went Mac after that with Joyce. so full. came over to my house and that idiot finished all of my Breezer. :( only gt a cup. sob. fell aslp, leaving her to play the com. (:
go bathe now ! and im going to do sth to my face. so sad. BREAK OUTS !! dammit.
Publié par
3/22/2005 08:15:00 PM
lundi, mars 21, 2005
im back again
Time : 10.30 pm
im blogging lots today. (: went to SingPost for lunch after school. finally bought unmentionables. lol. went over to Amelia;s house after that with much difficulties cause Dexter is so huge!! lol. i think Dexter really scared Deedee to death. haha ~ different from the storyline.
helped Amelia with her board and Huixian kept "cooddling". -.-" lol. so funny lah. went home and bugged my Daddy to bring me to supermarket. :D finally bought all the nessesaries.
boo. im tired.
Publié par
3/21/2005 10:26:00 PM
in school lab ! :D
Time : 1.35 pm
hello !! (: in the school computer lab now. haha. am done with my printing, 3-day food record and case study. muahaha. im so smart. shall update about ytd then, since im so free now. :D btw, lessons end at 2.25, and yet im done with my work. muahaha ! =x
ytd. woke up so damn early and gt myself to school. the shirt is so horrible. bright bright orange ! >.<" and my shirt was too big for me lah, i haffa admit. lol. the autitorum is kinda small, for sucha huge building. hahaa ~ practised and that Ms choo is so troublesome, insiting that we have to sound perfect. like, duh. we are so far away from being perfect can ! sometimes, we just cant be so ambitious !
had lunch at sm nearby food court, the chicken rice sucked. lol. the performance was okae. haha.. -.-" sheesh. i type halfway, then suddenly publish by itself. dumb computer. anyway, Siewling.Pebble.Huishan came as the only fellow students from MJR. hahaa ~
stupid Siewling. made us go PS for nth. -.-" Spongebob was doing the show with Patrick ! so cuteee. hahaahaa ~ watched Spongebob (movie) with Joyce. nicenice. so cutee ! must watch ah !! lol. Joyce kept snapping pictures of Patrick. so funny. causing the guy beside her, to constantly stare at her. lol.
went home after that. so boring !
lessons are boring too.
stupid aikchun keep looking at what i type. XD
Publié par
3/21/2005 01:33:00 PM
dimanche, mars 20, 2005
photosite updated ! (:
so tired ~! see ya guys in school tmr !
Publié par
3/20/2005 11:34:00 PM
im bushed. tired. totally weared out. if i have the mood, i;ll blog abt today, tmr. ohya, i caught Spongebob. nice and cutee. argh. too tired to type. byeeeee ~
Publié par
3/20/2005 06:39:00 PM
samedi, mars 19, 2005
Huixian;s sweet 16 ! (:
Time : 11.10 pm
hellohello ! shall update abt these 2 days. (:
the girls came over and we started doing stuff. we were like pigs ! eating and eating. sheesh. had Mac, ice-cream and 2 large pizzas. -.-" baked a cake ! with great effort, since the batter looked kinda weird. but it still came out right. heehee. so proud of ourselves. becaome innovative and whipped cream with our very own recipe ! ohya, Kokhong came over as well. guess what? the cream ain;t that bad too, kinda too sweet only. lol.
Stefanie.Joyce couldn;t come over to Huixian;s hse, but we still went. bugged my parents to let me stay over at Amelia;s house. (: went over to Lecia;s house and waited for our heroine. didn;t manage to give her a surprise, though. ): that idiot was expected sth from us already. damn. lol. the cake turned out nice, and Kokhong went home.
watched cartoon at Amelia;s house for a longgg time, while she talk on the phone and use the com. almost couldn;t wake up this morning. lol.
today !
met the girls at mrt stations and went town. actually wanted to catch Spongebob, but it;s not available ! sadsadsad. went PS instead for WinnithePooh !! SO CUTEE ! ahhh.. we were like, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over lumpy and roo. SO CUTEE !! *squeaks*
went over to Glass house after that for dinner ! (: shared the seafood platter with Huixian. nicenice. so delighted to see the prawns lined up that nicely. their chocolate milkshake sucked totally. dont ever drink their milk shakes. sucks sucks sucks.
Esplanade after that. (: slacked around and went Suntec to turn the thingy. lol. gt a cute milk tofu ! :) went home shortly after that..
im so tired. lacking of so much sleep this holidays. waking up early, and sleeping late. totally sucked. argh. it;s a Sunday tmr and yet i have to go school ! *pulls hair* i dont wanna perform. (T.T) catch us at Singapore Art Museum !! (:
did i mention i saw Patrick (the starfish. duh.) ?? so cutee and big ! hahaa.. look so huggable. too bad i cant take a picture with him. sharks. so near yet so far. :(
Publié par
3/19/2005 11:04:00 PM
jeudi, mars 17, 2005
argharghargh !!
Time : 7.00 pm
went for lunch with Junkai.Kokhong.KoonAnn.Szekeng.Weizhen (birthday boy). watched them eat, ;cause i was so hungry after that slice of pizza. sth;s wrong with me today. lol. went back for choir. boring.
mum dont allow me to watch movie later ! *grumbles* it;s my holidays !! *pulls hair
holidays almost gone. just in a flash. sweared that i;ll start studying after the march holidays. im a girl of my words !! trust me, people. i will study.
Publié par
3/17/2005 07:08:00 PM
mercredi, mars 16, 2005
argh. dammit.
Time : 11.20 pmima lousy friend. screw it.
went for choir with Joyce. totally sucked. choir always sucked. and today it;s worse. 11 hours of choir. yaya ~ u;ll say there;s breaks. but what difference does it make? >.<>3 and <8.
if only. *slaps myself* and then all of us will be genius. i;ve stated that i;ll want to go huazhong if it;s a real paper. ahhh.. reality seems so far away from me now. had lunch with Szekeng, and Rakcent.Weizhen.Cheehiang whom i;ve dragged them along. XD gt free treat of chicken rice from Rakcent Haopengyou ! and free drink from Szekeng. evereyone;s so nice. shall be my turn tmr. (:
went back for choir. so tedious. that conductor made us stand for so long ! all of us were looking like zoombies. unable to talk. asking a person to turn around will be of much difficulties. that shows just how tired we are. ): fark choir.
rushed home, gt ready and met Joyce. the person who rushed us like mad was late ! tsktsktsk. stupid Siewling. =x waited for Wanying.Phyllis after that and went over to ECP. was so paiseh lah.. didnt know anyone there ! to make matters worse, Kelly wasn;t there yet ! (T.T)
ate and talk. we were sucha bunch of outcast. everyone was nice though. (: the girls wanted to get alcohol and they convinced me that im da only one who can actually bluff though the ageline. gee ! i don;t really know if that;s a compliment or an insult. >.<"
didn;t manage to bluff that stupid cashier though. ended up with tons of Shandy. totally sucked. Siewling is sucha scary biker. =S try sitting her bike, and u;ll scream like hell.
sorry joycee !! veryveryvery sorry. ): ima sucha lousy friend. sorry.. i should've accompanied u. sorry sorry. forgive me kaee?
took a cab home when my mum called. that dumbass. she can actually forget that i told her i;ll be home late today ! like, duh !! WHAT;S HER PROBLEM. im turning 16 soon !! everyone else have their freedom to at least reach home by midnight. get a life. i need my own space too.
im filial. it;s just that im infuriated now. so dont irritate me, or i;ll scream. fancy her calling my friends trying to track where i am. i won;t get raped, if that;s what u;re worried abt.
tmd tmd tmd. screw it !!! ARGH.
advance happy birthday to Enghua korkor. Weizhen. Weide. Shai 17.o3.2oo5
Publié par
3/16/2005 11:16:00 PM
mardi, mars 15, 2005
dammit dammit.
Time : 8.30 pm
skipped POA. (: went out with Lecia. Roxy must be very happy to have a customer like me. i;ve spend more than $80 in their shops on Saturday and Tuesday. i hate the way i spend money. there;s just this inner thing of mine, that makes me spend my money like this. it;s nt as if im rich, but im trying ways and means to get the money to buy all this extragavant stuffs. (T.T)
i bought a green Mango tee ! XD
choir tmr. )': sadsadsad. very sad.
Publié par
3/15/2005 08:35:00 PM
lundi, mars 14, 2005
im back with my Photo Site again ! *wide grin*
didn;t know i actually had a Photosite? click the "Pictures" picture to view the one i had last year, and of which is full.
(: go see see see ! =D and pleaseee sign the guestbook !
i;ll find a suitable picture to link it soon ! be sure to check back soon. LOL.
Publié par
3/14/2005 11:21:00 PM
bummer bummer.
Time : 8.30 pm
hello ! (: it;s a Monday; surprising i didn;t suffer from Monday;s blues. lol. gt a morning call from KoonAnn which i happily ignored. =x rushed and took a bus down with him to meet the rest at Mac. ate 2 harshbrowns ! we flipped a coin and decided to face our fates and go for POA remedial early. went there and there wasn;t any other soul other than us ! AiHua must be very touched. lol
lesson was so boring. was asked to do a qn on the board smore, in which i happily invented sm new POA methods which were all wrong. XD had nowhere to go after that ! thank god SiewLing called and went to look for her and Kelly. =D Siewling cut hair ! lol. Kelly;s one also so short.
went Parkway after that. Siewling actually wanted to get a MC but the polyclinic;s queue no. was gt 2xxx plus, while her no. was 7xxx !! totally crazy. left after that. lol. walked around and had lunch. that stupid Tomyan soup so spicy !! walk walk walk and bought sweets. (:
took a cab home ! (: that dumb taxi driver actually wanted to put me off at the MRT station. sheesh. walk so far neh ! thank God i was looking around and i managed to hurry out by crawling over Siewling. XD
i;ve decided to skip the useless POA lesson tmr. =D oh well, most of my classmates are band members, and it;ll be hell w/o them. (: going out tmr ! wanna go shopping again. heehee. for clothes, this time. so u should stop rolling your eyes and say "not again..".. =D
going ECP after choir this Wednesday !! (:
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3/14/2005 08:27:00 PM
dimanche, mars 13, 2005
Time : 10.40 pm
hello ! blogging for fun now, since i had nth better to do. lalaa ~
this holiday totally sucked. school everyday ?! like, wth !! have 10 hours of choir daily from wednesday on. performance at Art Musuem on Sunday. sheesh. so packed. on the contrary, i;ll be stepping down very soon. and this very made me feel so good. XD
no more choirs
on wednesday and fridays
no more bitchy conductors
no more tired afternoons !
poetry;s nt for me. lol. it doesn;t rhymes at all !
okae, im crapping.
daddy promised me an iPod. i;ve been waiting for this device for so long ! ): that idiot. always lying to me. hmph !
treat me bad and i;ll give u hell.
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3/13/2005 10:40:00 PM
samedi, mars 12, 2005
Time : 10.30 pm
fark. my computer hanged when i almost finish my last sentence. &^$%$ !! now i need to re-blog when im so bloody tired. ARGH.
today. had my aunt;s wedding lunch. so nicee !! (: the food was great, VIP table seh. gt waiters serve food to us one. lol. the table arrangement was great too. was so mesmerised by the golden candles. lol. gt candles as a wedding gift. cool. so nicee..
took a cab down town to meet Lecia.Joyce. met them and we went looking for UAN. so tough lah, nt all the service lifts will bring us to as high as the 12th level. that place was so deserted and their lights were so dim for corridors ! went in and sat around and wait. a girl with very nice braces talked to me and describe briefly what they are abt and such.
when she asked me what im more interesting in, Joyce went to point at Grooming. that;s like, modeling and such. -.-" dunno lah. so blur.. lol. chatted for a long time. gt cute guy ! ahahaa ~ with very nice dunks. *giggle giggle* =x
checkitout ! UNA's site
walked around and bought a stripee wallet from Roxy ! =D that salesguy was so nicee. went to tell me that that one is running outta stock soon, and that i should hurry up let him check for stock and get it. XD he also said that there;s 2 more left. lol. so funny.
had dinner at Speggedies. =D everyone should know perfectly well our motives. hahaa ~ that guy was like, avoiding us all the time lah. won;t even serve drinks to us. *grumbles* shared a pizza with Lecia. was like trying to sprinkle dried chilli onto my pizza, when that guy walked pass. so i totally forget abt the chilli, and continue sprinkling while looking at that guy. my pizza ended up so spicy and the plate was full of chilli. -.-" stop laughing, Joyce+Lecia !! had brownie after everything to drag time. he still continue to ignore us lah.
kept staring at his beiying, as in the song. =x so saddening. lol. left and walked around. hmmm.. was eyeing this nice bag from Pepper Plus and i went to buy it without any hasitation. XD so cute onee !! they commented it looked very MeiDe from the 1/2 love dunno what show. hahaa ~
looked for the girls at Cine after that. (: the whole gang of our batch band people are there too. and smone hit my head. HARD. that idiot. im gonna revenge. =x WeiZhen and Joyce wearing the same shirt design !! SO SWEET !! XD i was the one to notice it firts wor. =P the guys stayed there, the girls went Esplanade, while we went home. (: the girls were like, so fastinated by the scouting. -.-" and they started day-dreaming. LOL.
fruitful day ! ouch* my pocket had just burnt another big hole, once again.
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3/12/2005 10:25:00 PM
vendredi, mars 11, 2005
introducing the infamous ... Da, vid, Gan !!
Time : 10.45 pm
hello ! XD nicenice day. *big wide grin* friday ! the last day of the week/term ! whee ~~
had a talk on the o;levels results and all. there;s this story abt a little boy who had his legs totally burnt up, but grew up to be a famous runner. determination. that;s sth im lacking of. =x had Maths test. woot. tough.
nth much happened then. did a test which Joyce claimed to be so tough so tough. >.<" went through surveys and we started chatting like nobody;s business. everyone in a nutshell. XD was supposed to have Chemistry after that, but we bugged Ms tay to give us CME instead. lol. so she started cursing those she predict that will do badly and all. hahaa ~
choir was boring as usual. argh. waited for Amelia.Huixian and we went to get hotdogs and chestnuts ! cooked at my house and makan-ed. lol. so fun. then we started playing tau-pok. where everyone will stack up on one innocent person. XD watched tv. MeiMan and Raymond so sweet ! so jealous. ):
introducing Da, vid, Gan !! the infamous hair stylists !! =D Da;s Amelia, vid;s me, and Gan;s Joyce. naturally, Gan was the useless-est hair stylist. =x Da and me worked out HuiXian;s hair prefectly. she looked so cute !
checkitout !
so cuteeeeee right ?!
lol. fooled around and the girls just left. (: it;s gonna be a weekly session at my house every Friday ! i think. hahaaa ~ so fun. XD
my gugu (as in aunty. if u;re thinking of sth else, u;re dirty-minded) is finally getting married tmr ! woopie ~ so happy for her. gonna see her most beautiful sight tmr. (: a wedding lunch. cool ~ will be meeting the girls at town right after that, and maybe i shall pop by at the Taka shop. (:
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3/11/2005 10:47:00 PM
jeudi, mars 10, 2005
monday tuesday wednesday THURSDAY friday saturday sunday everyday !
Time : 8.30 pm
boo ! (: its thursday. nth much happened today. i cant remember the details for today. lol. waited for Joyce after school while she had POA. Amelia.Huixian.me are pigs ! we ate so much. (O.O) so funny lah. when Cheechai asked Joyce to sneak out from the class, she really did and didnt gt caught. lol. AiHua is so dumb.
went Bugis with her. bought 3 markers. =D saw PingLiang.Sheldon.blahblah when we left. lol. nth mcuh then.
no tv recently. boo~ stupid dad.
yaya. that;s what u think.
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3/10/2005 08:49:00 PM
mercredi, mars 09, 2005
some people are just bornt plain stupid
Time : 7.10 pm
(: Wdnesday. could barely climb up of my bed this morning. realised in horror that i forgot to remove my lens last night. my eyes were like, so red. argh. gt back Maths paper. passed. *phew* nth much then, i guess. cant remember. my memory getting lousier and lousier. lol.
choir totally sucked today. so boring ! like, duh. cant she find a more amusing or like, more interesting way to teach us? plus, we had to sing around to school at sm places after choir ended ! sheesh. so embarassing !! dumb HuiXian forgot to wait for us. XD
ate fries and hotdog. WAHH. my apetite increase le. lol. failed only english for this common test. my english sucks. still want go Mass Com. dream on, man.
editing my friendster. deleted many many ZhangFengQi's and alot more. hee. im so proud of myself. lol.
the problem lies on u, duh. u;re just to dumb to understand. it;s you you you you you. i dunno why but i cant stand or sit you at all. idiot. stop thinking that u;re superb, because u are too far away from that. dumbster.i dont even know what im supposed to feel like now. sheesh. erase u alway.
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3/09/2005 07:47:00 PM
mardi, mars 08, 2005
Time : 11.00 pm
hello ! went to school with 3 gigantic yellow plastic bags which i managed to get the other 2 idiots to take after that. XD was so worried throughout the first few lessons ! everyone was like, telling me to calm down and that i;ll sure get to go, but i just cant help worrying. >.<" cant concentrate at all during Chemistry. dumb Ms Tay. forget to register me. i totally freaked out when i saw her msg.
anyway, never msg Ms Tay. it takes her around the clock to reply u. >.<" went looking for Mdm lim during recess with Kelly. i love u, Kelly ! *hugs* thanks so much for looking for her and persuading her to let me go. i love u so so so so much ! =D Mdm Lim is so stubborn. =x but she eventually let me go. hee. so happy, i tell u. nono. that;s nt a good active word. estastic? XD
was rushing around after recess. due to the stress CheeChai was giving me. hurrying me for books and all. AHHH !! so hectic. left after POA with KokHong. so shuang. XD ate at the canteen and showed off our banners, literally. cause the people are taking them out by themselves. lol. the bus took a freaking long time to come and we only reach AHS after the match had started.
): Siewling fell ! *ouch* we lost in the end in both matches. oh well, silver is a nicer color. this is what i call calling the grapes sour, cause i cannot reach it or sth like that. we can do it next year ! =D KianLoong's shin was my cushion for a period of time just now. XD so comfy, abit warm though. =x
left with the girls and that Siewling was rushing to meet Pebble. hahaa. ended up running like mad women. MsOng so mean ! kept saying that im too thin. say i must eat more lollipops, and that she want to donate oil to me. sheesh !! idiot. went Tampines and met some people then we went to eat. actually wanted Mini Steamboat, but was too expensive. they compained that Fish&Co. is expensive too. so ended up at Breeks. gt this guy who was looking so pale ! i reckon he is trying to do some Sylvester look, but he failed miserably. he is so pale and his hair is pure white. tall and kinda burly. his face is so freaky too. abit of Michael Jackson feeling too, but he;s way paler than him man. plus ! he;s wearing a leather jacket. EEEK.
did i mention that there is an Ngee Ann guy who is so cute and handsome? *gagged*
oh ya, where was i. paid $23 for it. (T.T) totally had no clue where my money go. it;s just a lasagne. -.-" Kelly was like an old senior citizen after we ate. complaining aches here and there. haha ~ went ToyRUS. idiot Siewling went to play with the rubber lizard or some other reptile. causing me and Kelly to run out of that shop. >.<
went over to HuiXian;s house after that, 'cos i gt no key to go home. XD watched tv and Kaiwen came over due to a quarrel she had with her mum. hahaa ~ helped Kaiwen choose songs to put into her mp3. she is indeed fussy. =x left after the nicenice 9pm show while the girls went to meet Mengli. hahaa ~
long post eh? lol. lalala ~ some people are really nice to me today and im so grateful to have u guys around. (: *hug of appreciation* hahaa ! seeseesee. im a poser. =x
maybe some stuffs are better off not mentioned at all and to be forgotten.
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3/08/2005 10:57:00 PM
lundi, mars 07, 2005
extra extra
Time : u guess..?
a new post ! cause KoonAnn wanted me to post abt the match they had just now. -.- 4i/j vs 4f/g/h we won, NATURALLY. =x 10:7, i think (correct me if im wrong). KoonAnn scored 5 goals. >.<" forget to blog abt this just now. lol. thank you KoonAnn !
yeah yeah.. i score 5 goals.. i am the hero... worship me..! i noe u all love me.. i am everybody's favourite.. lalala~ -aNn
Publié par
3/07/2005 08:45:00 PM
happy happy Monday ! (:
Time : 7.45 pm
hello ! it;s a Monday. i dunno why but im feeling extremely happy and energetic today. lol. anyway, all the results i gt back today, was positive. so that really increase my mood. (: shall talk in detail !
Ms Foo is in a great mood today. 3 rounds only ! (O.O) *jumps around* was so happy to hear that we only need to run 3 rounds. F&N was so boring. went through the test paper. our side [the so-called noisy and bad side, but hey ! we all good inside (:] decided nt to change to our uniforms for the whole day. lol. it;s actually nicer like that. more cooling, eh.
HuiXian nv come school today due to nose-bleeding.. oh dear, get well soon ! (: gt back POA common test paper. was like sighing in relief when i saw that i passed. it wasn;t a good pass, but hey. a hell lotta people failed. =x passed History too. *phew* lousy pass. ): 17/25. maybe im asking for too much. lol.
Mr Sreeni is so irritating ! dragging the lesson for so long. 2 periods become 3 periods. was like rushing around, comparing ans with KoonAnn and getting his permission to leave. >.<" so troublesome lah, this idiot. sorry Amelia&Joyce for waiting for me ! =D
went Bugis to shopshop. ate at Yoshinoya and spend a hell lot of $$. $50++ was gone in just one shopping centre. we just love to pamper ourselves. lol. spend more $$ on us, than the stuffs we really need to buy. gosh ! went to Mac to draw up sm banners for tmr;s match. (:
tmr will be the finals for both B girls & boys. oh my, this is the first year when both the boys and girls go to the finals right? i remembered it was always the girls only. =x no offense ! still remember the lastime we went to the finals..
our girls lost quite miserably. and almost everyone was crying. that sight was so sad lah. but hey. we will nt let history repeat !! this year, it will be AHS;s turn to cry. MUAHAHA !! and whenever, the whole team and the coach talk together. and the refree blow the whistle, all of them will put their hands together and go "WEN SHU WEN SHU OOOSH !"
that time abit blur lah, dunno what the hell they cheering for. used up the whole match time to think abt what they were cheering abt. finally ! i knew it's "wen shu wen shu ooosh !" then.. they decided to change the cheer. >.<" so disappointed lah. finally know what it is le, then they change. =x
okae, im crapping. MJR !! we will win win win. no pressure to the girls & boys. (: jiayou !!
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3/07/2005 07:38:00 PM
dimanche, mars 06, 2005
Publié par
3/06/2005 10:08:00 PM
Time : 12.00 am
dammit. my computer lost connection just when i publish my blog ! &^%$ !! im in no mood to blog out in mass now. it;s notes time !!
- KoonAnn put my pigeon or aeroplane, or whatever u rather say. lol.
- Joyce made me wait for 1 & 1/2hr. >.<" idiot. u owe me a treat !
- ate at Phin's Steakhouse. *burp
- 2 guys introduced a media company they were at abt singing and such. dumb me gave my number. WHAT AM I DOING ?!
- walkwalkwalk
- bought nth. ):
- Roxy & Mango never restock
- the yandao at Speggedies still working ! and he;s in charge of the bar counter today. OMG. sharks. so near yet so far. he;s complexion is goodgoodgood. dead-drop goreous.
- saw William.Allen and friends ! (:
okae. that;s all i can rememeber. sharks. my memory is so lousy now. working on my playlist now. any requests? (:
why must u lie? ):
Publié par
3/06/2005 12:12:00 AM
vendredi, mars 04, 2005
2nd post of the day. XD
Time : 9.30 pm
hello again. gt back f&n already. sheesh.. stupid Ms Ong. she lied to mee ! i passed. >.<" NEVER ever believe in her, when she said u did badly. this woman love to exergarant. ALOT. had choir after school. boring boring. anyway, a new conductor came today to take over, for just one day. he's really nice. (: seriously, i think choir would get a Silver or Gold with him teaching, instead of that bitch and Ms Poh. COP are safely in our pockets now. *force a smile*
oh dear. s,alfjorjgjvlsDJLkjrlq4jw4itfpdkv nmlmxclmtlkjrekljtiojfglldjsljtljeiotugvn
did i mention the NE quiz for my class had been postponed to June? WOOHOO !! Ms Poh [histroy teacher, nt that bitch] rocks. XD im going to the match ~ im going to the match ~ B*GIRLS jiayou ! (:
Publié par
3/04/2005 09:26:00 PM
Time : 11.00 am
hello ! in the computer lab now for f&n. woot. new computers ! so nice. HP sia. i lovee the new principal !! making so much nice changes to our old and lousy school *grins* gonna get back my f&n common test soon. *shiver* wish me luck guys ! lalala ~ shit. ms ong said that i failed f&n. ='( sadsadsad. yingting, u sucks.
am so tired lah. did the stupid research for so long, and woke up with very sleepy eyes. argh. f&n is here to kill innocent students like me. >.<" everyone i knew had been burning the midnight oil and did their research with great effort.
gt sth confiscated during reading period. dammit. that stupid chinese HOD. >=( i don't her le. =x argh. im so full now. hahaa.. opps. anyway, Siewling told me sth her friends told her. -.-" lessons gonna start ! shall go now. blog about stuffs later. (:'
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3/04/2005 11:07:00 AM
jeudi, mars 03, 2005
b-girls rocks.
Time : 8.00 pm
hello ! rained throughout the whole morning. really nice. gt back Physics paper. ): failed. but passed overall though. thanks, Chemistry. the rest of the lessons were kinda alright. stupid KoonAnn kept trying to slap me. argh.
rushed over to AHS with CheeChai.Joyce.JiaYang.Weide.. me.Joyce.Cheechai shared a cab there. haha. was like so rush, cause we thought hte match was over already. but, heng. hahaa.. we won ! with a score of 60++ to 40++. yippee ! =D [sorry CheeChai ! *sheepish grin*
went Tampines with Joyce.Kelly.Siewling after that. ate at Phin;s House or sth like that. their fish&chips are great. walked around after that. hahaa ~ those girls are hilarious. XD bugged Siewling to buy us sunflowers, but to no avail. sat a cab home with Joyce.Siewling. hahaa. they kepy giggling at my ez-link ! ):
shit. no more time left. i need to complete 6 pages at least by today !! *stress stress* cheerio ! wish me luck. (:
Publié par
3/03/2005 07:52:00 PM
mercredi, mars 02, 2005
>.<" oh my..
Time : 7.30 pm
Wednesday. rained in the morning. XD finally. maths and chinese was boring. had all 5 free lesson after recess. all 3 teachers weren;t in school. WOOHOO ! how cool can that be ?! KoonAnn gt caned. shan;t mention much abt it. = listened to mp3s for the rest of the day. hahaa ~ KA;s was flat and we went next door to borrow from KP. lol. played with cards as well. those guys were so dumb lah. carrying one guy, and bring him around the class, and remove his shoe. and that continues and continues.
Choir after school. sharks. was depending on the dumb coin to decide our fate. that dumb coin was always showing the head ! and that means choir. dammit. choir was boring as usual.. and we are now having sectionals on Monday. argh.
went market with Joyce.Stefanie.Siewling.Szekeng. Siewling treated me to a hotdog ! =D lalalaa. 2 more days til the weekends. GEE. so slow. i finally remember to watch AMI. XD finally !
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3/02/2005 07:28:00 PM
mardi, mars 01, 2005
it;s PICTURE time !!
Time : 9.45 pm
pictures from last Saturday. courtest from Stefanie !!
pretty legs eh ? lol.
-.-" see my expression? i was squashed by those 2 idiots.
Joyce with the idol of the day
HuiXian with the idol of the day
mee !! with the idol of the day
SiewLing with the idol of the day [check out Kelly;s expression.]
this is so gross. >.<" [joyce: put as ur frienster picture. XD]
HuiXian SiewLing Joyce
SiewLing HuiXian Kelly
complete darkness for the rest of the pictures. guys ~ try to make out who is who and take the one with u. (:
okaee. i tried my best. the pictures should come out just as good as if just taken. but im holding my breath. lol. the last 2 pictures refuse to seperate from each other. -.-" the sizes will be ranging from big to small lah. sorry for the unprofessional sizing cause im using click and drag to edit the sizes ! please bare with them. the dark pictures had been edited to be smaller, unhappy ? ask for the original size in MSN. heehee. thank you ! (:
mouse over the picture and a picture toolbar will appear. click on the disckette sign which represents "save". enjoy and cheerio !
Publié par
3/01/2005 09:45:00 PM
Time : 6.00 pm
hello ! tuesday. went school as usual. gt back English, which we already gt hold of the marks last week. tmd. she can give Andy one more mark, but not for me to pass ! %$#@ irritating woman. i only need one mark.. ='( Chemistry after that. Ms Tay is so cute lah. talking about the o;level results, and totally ignore everything about chemistry, despite our umpteen reminders. -.-" gt back in the end. 58%. im proud of u, yingting ! FINALLY a pass for chem, since like.. mid year? LOL. the revision Amelia and i had worked. (: our marks were almost the same. hahaa..
POA test after recess. erm.. i dont really know what im doing, but i tried to crap my way through. lol. hope i can pass. i hate getting red marks for the first common test. it totally sucks. Chinese was hilarous ! XD we [the girls at the corner surrounding KoonAnn] started talking abt Joyce;s period, and we totally forget about KoonAnn;s exsitance. and he was like so paiseh. LOL. then we dare him to wave a pad in front of the class. which he didnt, as he gt freaked out when i really took out one i place on his lap. i tell u, it;s so so so funny. XD nth happen, though. sharks. =x
went SingPost with Stefanie.Joyce after that. tried teaching Stefanie some POA, but was kinda unsucessful though. i was brainwashed by the holidays. lol. simply cant remember the stuffs. slacked and listened to KA;s mp3. XD that definitely helped alot throughout our boredom. when i grow up, im gonna design earphones with 3 earpieces. in that way, friends can share ! the inventors are so not considerate for groups of 3. tsk tsk.
bought Thousand Island dressing after that. yippie ! salad time. lol. and a green marker from Popular after that. lalalaa..
anyway, im finally free (for the time being, that is).. no more common tests ! MUAHAHAA !! im suffering from bad hair days. why cant that stupid hairband make my hair neater ?
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3/01/2005 06:05:00 PM