Time : 11.04 pm
Lecia had a sleepover here yerterday and she watched me sleep today. Haha.
I was Junyang (Remember Project Superstar?) on the Orchard underpass! Other than looking all wore out, ragged and tired, I am sure he is fine and looking wayyyyyyyyy goood too! Short though.. wasted.
I found a job.
Let me haolian for a while.. I've been sulking whenever an employed person mentions about work, now.. MUAHAHA! I GOT A JOB TOO~
Gonna start working on 16Dec. Pay's good, working at Natesi Scott as cashier, I supposed. Come visit me! :)
I went to find Jiayang as well. That bugger. Made me wait so long ah!!
Hahaha. So anyway, it rained.
I love puddles! Muahaha.
Something embarassing happened.. to my ahem friend ahem. She was playing with the puddles, then stupidly, her slipper came off and she walked some distance without that slipper lor. Is that stupid or what?
I am so glad I am not her. *ahem*
Oh yes, before I end, Allen, Gabriel, Teckmeng and William are buggers.
You do not stare at people you know on the streets and not acknowledge them!! *pouts* No, you don't!!
P.S.: Today's post very outta-no-where lah. Sorry people. I simply have no idea what to blog about.
P.S.S.: Huixian! I went to visit your workplace just now, but you wasn't around! How come! Not every Wednesday off lor!
P.S.S.S.: Tomorrow.. is going to be a happy day! :))
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
mardi, novembre 29, 2005
Publié par
11/29/2005 11:00:00 PM
lundi, novembre 28, 2005
Palawan Beach!
Time : 9.29 pm
Rise and shine at 8 am! o.O
Alright. I fibbed.. I woke up at 8 plus. Well, anyway, that's outta point.
So we went to Sentosa!
The routinal MRT shot.
I think the lighting in the Sentosa bus made us look quite good. Haha. I am a self-whore bitch. Hahaha! I dig Amelia's hat alot!
We took the wrong bus lost our way.. and we came acround this Tourist Attraction.
Very sad lor. I just graduated from Manjusri and maybe I can leave the Dinosaur joke behind in my secondary school life. But dinosaurs are just outta haunt me. :(
We visited the friend 7-11 store out at the Beach and I bought this:
A kiddy sandcastle play kit! There's even frying pans, saucer, stove and all.. Super cute!
I like the way this photo goes. Haha. We are innocent happy little girls!
Okay. Maybe not.
HAHAHA! We are actually imitating a rather erotic couple at the other end of the beach.. Look:
They just can't stop locking lips! With all the wayer, sand and salt getting in their way, I don't even know why they are so attached to each other. Sheesh.
Any resembles? Haha.
Group photo! In the water, you have absolutely no idea how jittery I was feeling, fearing that Lecia drop my camera into the deep dirty blue sea.
Lecia and Amelia with big bods.
AHHH! I have unflaunting back. :( I mean, where's my curves? *sobs*
Two.. flat bosom best friends!
Erm.. No comments.
I'm ain't heavy, I'm her sister!
(Just trying to show off my Picasa skill) Actually I just wanna copy our flat flat.
They came to Sentoa to pig out. Hahaha.
The irritating lifeguard who kept yelling at people to not swim too far away..
Double Awwwwww~
I just thought it'd be cool to post this up. Haha.
Baywatch, with a sandy butt.
Joyce's first attempt to play water ballet.
Mission failed.
I got traumatized when they went,"You don't have tummy one lah!"
I told you I look good in her hat!
Amelia and I were digging everyone's bags, hoping to find somethings to pose with. Haha. Poseurs~
:D I am a sad sad girl.
I like this photo. To tell you the truth, I did something to the photo to make it.. Erm.. Brighter.
Laugh your asses off please.
She was so afraid of the sun that she covered her face with that ridiculous Hello Kitty hand towel. You know, Amelia is one contradicting ass. She doesn't want the sun and she wants the sun. Go figure.
This. Is. Really. Scary.
With a closer look, this is actually their new tactic to better tanning.
I saw something spouting out from the artificial sand! So heart-warming. :)
I changed the colour abit so it looks like it's surviving on the dry desert.
I am the Queen of Palawan Beach!
Okay. Hahaha. I just wanna freak you off. :D
More narcissism.
Narccisism at the very best.
Have I ever told you that I loveee my legs?
I painted the sky purple just for my dear Amelia!
After our tiring tanning session, we head back to main shore.. Look at this:
Who is the one who said that Singapore's public transport is FAST?
Bullshit. 40 minutes leh! I can actually drive a car to Tuas from the East!
Publié par
11/28/2005 09:28:00 PM
My life as a Maplier:
Watch Jiayang fight beasts that I can only kill with umpteen hits..
Fight with Green Mushrooms and Boing Boing.
Lost my way and nice people brought me back to town.
Saw someone who has the same hat, but different colour, as me..
Saw someone who has the exact similar hat as me.
Dropped by a place which is oh-so-cute.
Sat at Mushroom Park and did nothing.
Made a friend while sitting around..
And he thinks I'm God because he keeps bowing at me.
Ended my life sadly when a stupid Lupin kept throwing banana skin (Peel peel banana! Peel peel banana!) at me.
The end.
Publié par
11/28/2005 12:41:00 AM