Time : 8.01 pm
Okay. So, O level's almost over! I need to dispose some stuff and you guys make great rubbish bins! :D
No lah, I love my juniors so much. Heehee.
I love my books and I treat them really well except for some cases. Or rather it's because I ran around borrowing books during lesson breaks, to the extent that my books are hardly touched.
Going away for free!
Sec 4 EXP/ Sec 5 NA Step Ahead
English textbook
Comprehensive Physics
New Syllabus Mathematics 4 (Fifth Edition)
The 20th Century: As It Was Lived
F&N textbook (You'd be warned! It's in a not-so-good condition but FULL of useful notes)
Science in Focus Chemistry
Social Studies Sec 3 and Sec 4 (Sec 4: in a rather bad condition because somehow Kaiwen's book became mine.)
POA textbook (Don't bother buying lah. It's useless. No teacher uses it anyway. I can get it back from William if you want it.)
And of course, my trusty best friends!
Ten Years Series
Redspot Revision History Elective (BRAND NEW)
Redspot Revision Social Studies (BRAND NEW) [I really regret buying those 2 books at sucha late time, 'cause I got no chance to use it. :(]
Sec 3 Maths Workbook (Don't ask me why I bought it because I never flip it open before.)
Challenging English Essays (NEW)
Longman POA Revision Guide (This is good)
Can't give much of the TYS 'cause my handwriting sucks and you guys will buy the new editions right? But I think it'd work fine if you use the above TYS(s).
Any takers? :)

These books are really taking up way too much space in my cupboard! I hardly touch any of my textbooks, except for SS and F&N. So.. PLEASE TAKE! :D
Any other graduates wanna give away their textbooks too? This post can be a bulletin! :))
P.S.: If I happen *CHOY CHOY* to do badly *CHOY CHOY* for my O levels this year *CHOY CHOY*. I may just *CHOY CHOY* take my books back from you *CHOY CHOY* though. So pray for me that I do well. Haha.
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