Time : 8.31 pm
Physics paper pretty much sucked. Perhaps my paper will have the protential to
pass, but definitely not to score well. Sharks. Oh well! At least it's one very
heavy burden down! [Amelia: I am sure you can do it. :)]
Let's talk dirrrrrrty! *grins*
Okay, after
A word we do not commonly use or hear of, but it's actually in our household! When short circuit happens, we depend on this MCB to bring light and air-con back to us.
My Chee Bye? Crude.

Yeah. I know, but this is the best photo I can find on Google that resembles a MCB best. Well, actually. It is situated somewhere in your house. Preferably outta children's reach.
Ahhh~ The solenoid. You know, you attach the circuit to a galvonometer and you insert this bar magnet into the solenoid and the needle of the galvonometer deflects?
Yeah. Think dirty.
Maybe this comic strip of The New Adventures of Bobbin will help you abit with your tiny winsy bit of imagination. ;)
Faraday's law!

So, I am not a great Physics student myself, so I cannot tell you much about Faraday. Well, perhaps you wanna educate me now, or when you're taking your O' Levels? :)
Faraday's law states that the moment of the above CFM moves in the direction which my finger is pointing at respectively.
Well, COME ON! Who actually can remember what CFM stands for, above all the other Physics formulae and units we have to memorise?!
C - Can (Current)
F - Fuck (magnetic Field)
M - Me (Motion)
Easy as ABC. :)
Of course!
**Proudly produced and created by Ms Amelia Sim**
This website is COOL COOL COOL!
(You can actually animate the
Need I say more?
Physics isn't as innocent as all of us out here thought. Physicians are horny bastards.
P.S.: Sorry this came in late! I am sure it'd do some good for your Physics paper just now, in the morning. But.. At least I provide some yellow humour yeah? :D
6 down, 6 more miserable paper to go! Sweeeet.
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