I sound so sexy lah. Hahaha.
I've been very disgusting in class, I think Wanqi and Shuyi
cannot stand me liao.
*blow nose loudly* *sniff in this horrible way* *cough abit* burp abit* *blow somemore*
So amusing. Hahahahaha!
And just some trival happenings at F6o3.
[wanted to post some photos, but Blogger disagree with the idea]
I had dinner with 慧娴. :)
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
lundi, juillet 31, 2006
The blues
Publié par
7/31/2006 10:17:00 PM
God dammit, I'm sick.
Perfect timing, since i have like, 1 month to my exams. Boo.
Sick + Exam stress + 大姨妈 = GIGANTIC BREAKOUTS
Boo boo.
No commission!
Boo boo boo.
Lecia and I hit town today and I almost died while carrying my lappy around. Damn heavy lah! 2 basic tops to my collection. :)
'Nuff boos, I am rather satisfied with my JAVA proj, although there's errors everywhere, but SCREW IT MAN! I am happy with the way it is already. What an achievement! :))
Hey, the weekends over already?
Publié par
7/31/2006 12:30:00 AM
dimanche, juillet 30, 2006
Muacks! Last day of work with Grace, 'cause she's leaving x:odus. :( Will miss you, love!
Hmmm.. New collection (just 3 designs) just hit the shelves of x:odus with wedge, heel and flat. Not fantastic and I am sure you can find cheaper versions over at Far East. BOO! Wouldn't give it a second look if I'm a customer. Shall post up some photos when I remember. Haha.
Bah. Gotta hand in my JAVA proj this Monday. Dreading every moment!
Yanhua, Joyce and me bought 5 pairs of similar pants over at U2. Haha. Craziness.
Tired. Out.
Publié par
7/30/2006 01:05:00 AM
samedi, juillet 29, 2006
Today's FRIDAY and I love FRIDAYs! :)
Let me introduce you to some of my classmates! Will introduce more when I remember to take photos with them! Let this be PART I!
A group of us went town to buy Herman's birthday present and at the same time, celebrate his 17th birthday. Haha. It's the thought that counts okay?Saw him. Embarassed.
We had PEPPERLUNCH for lunch!
Sidetrack: So do I have PEPPERDINNER for dinner? It and PEPPERBREAKFAST for breakfast? So dumb lah.
We shopped around and Eunice and I found the cutest podpod covers at SHIBUYA and Far East Level 1!
I bought the pink one and dumb Eunice hesitated for so long and decided not to get it as her podpod's still new and she don't want to remove the condom. Haha.
After that I met up with PAPERS (minus Amelia) and we just slacked around like usual loh.
I showed them my cute case and in the end, all the podpod owners (Joyce, faster get one!) bought one!
Amelia, we actually wanted to get one for you, but you must understand that your girls are broke like shit. :D
It's available for iShuffles, iPod Nano and the older versions of iPods plus video. Mini may not have a personalized one, but the iPod one is good enough!
Lecia said the above photo wasn't cute enough, so here's another one to make you guys go,"AWWW!"
It's for you to rip it off and put is as your MSN display, friendster, wallpaper, or whatever you want! :)
Just remember that you seen it @ WAITING4MIRACLE first!
Don't snatch my credits. Thanks! :)
Work tomorrow with Joyce, Grace and Rosie. Hmmmm.. Slackoroo!
Publié par
7/29/2006 01:08:00 AM
Anyways, just some photos I've been dying to post up since I-dunno-when! :)
While, since they're heavily photoshopped, I doubt I need captions?
Nice Shuyi changed shoes with me on Monday as I was suffering from 5 blisters on the right heel and 1 huge one on the left heel. Yeah, that's just how bad it hurts me. 爱美不要命, like how the old folks will say! =\
Well, better blog about FRIDAY on another post, since Blogger's really screwed. URGH.
Publié par
7/29/2006 01:01:00 AM
vendredi, juillet 28, 2006
Publié par
7/28/2006 12:21:00 AM
jeudi, juillet 27, 2006
Here I am utilizing school's free web access after finishing my Java lab test. Boy, this computer sucks. The keyboard squeaks, the internet lags, and imagine this, NO USB PORTS.
I useda think my PC back at home is the lousiest, but now I know jus how high-advanced it is already. Hahaha.
The Java lab test was a breeze for me. I AM JAVA WHIZ. Hahaha. Perhaps not, but oh wells.. Still have to wait for the rest of the class to finish up with it! :)
Yesterday on the way home, I saw this black stray cat lying on the ground listlessly in front of my neighbour's door. It freaked me out abit 'cause I thought it was dead and, you-know-what-month-it-is-now, plus I didn't adjourn the rule of reaching home before 7pm!
I thought she couldn't stand up and I got so worried lah.
But to think of it, she was just lazing around. -.-
I went home and fetched her a bowl of goat milk (hate that stuff, but mummy and daddy love it such that the fridge always have that yucky stuff) and I think she loves me for it. Actually took a photo of her, but I doubt this lousy PC has bluetooth, so next time then!
Anyways, I'm damn bored here but I can't seem to think of what else to blog already?
Oh yeah, my class girls hadn't been feeling well with one another recently. =
Hate it when stuff like this happens, because this is when the class spilts into two and people starts taking sides. BOO!
Am so hungry that I dunno what to blog liao. Ciao!
Publié par
7/27/2006 12:23:00 PM
mardi, juillet 25, 2006
Something's very wrong with Blogger/my Blogger account/ my lappy. I can't seem to be able to upload photos into this post. Urgh. Shall do it tomorrow then! I spent so much time photoshopping them, cannot don't upload and let you all see. Hahaha.
Anyways, I'm super bored here and since I lost my blogger mojo, I don't seem to have any interesting topic to blog about?
This sucks. No inspiration. Bah.
Work tomorrow! :)
Somehow, I look forward to it, because that means I'm nearer to town.
I wanna watch movie, but I can't seem to make time out for movie sessions. Sigh. And of course, my movie companions aren't alot and most of them are not free or have already planned to watch with the others. :(
Do you have any movie in mind that you wanna watch and yet couldn't find someone to go with you?
*waves* I'm here! :)
Me needs a hug. Hmmmm..
Publié par
7/25/2006 11:54:00 PM
lundi, juillet 24, 2006
Blisters a.k.a AH! PAIN!
My feet hurts like shit! :(
Now my heels look like two piles of shit.
I had dinner with Amelia and Huixian at BLK 121.
Hmmm.. Watercress soup leftovers! Anything caught your eye?
Wonder what's that blue thing. ;)
Back to JAVA world!
Publié par
7/24/2006 10:39:00 PM
Blisters a.k.a AH! PAIN!
My feet hurts like shit! :(
Now my heels look like two piles of shit.
I had dinner with Amelia and Huixian at BLK 121.
Hmmm.. Watercress soup leftovers! Anything caught your eye?
Wonder what's that blue thing. ;)
Back to JAVA world!
Publié par
7/24/2006 09:41:00 PM
Today I got ready really late, so I missed my love train.
Hahaha. Oh wells.. There's always next time. :))
Yingting was super slack as work because she was working
with Rosi, the super choingster! Haha.
Plus, Yingting wasn't really in the mood to work,
since she didn't had any motivation in da morning.
I had losta fun with Xueli. :)
Gosh. I've got this bad feeling a customer's gonna lodge
a complaint against us for today. I don't know,
but it just felt like that.
End of GSS liao! Thank God. At least there won't be so much
for me to want to buy. Yay.
School tomorrow with Java test coming up. HEADACHE AH!!
Publié par
7/24/2006 12:34:00 AM
samedi, juillet 22, 2006
Whee~ :)
Just what a difference you can make by appearing this morning! :)
It made Yingting so happy that YT was almost like a different person at work! (Haha. I am attempting to sound like how Paul blogs.)
I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but.. Okay, fine; I admit that I am crazy.
I actually made almost $1k worth of sales because I was a happy girl. (Or maybe because Joyce was slacking) I greeted my customers when they entered the shop, and I didn't grumble when customers tried shoes for fun.
Tell you what, nothing could actually bring me down.
Gosh. I want so much more. *cuddles myself*
Amelia, THIS IS NOT COINCEDENTAL. You shuddup and leave me alone. :D
Publié par
7/22/2006 11:55:00 PM
vendredi, juillet 21, 2006
I'm just lazy to do much about the photos, so I'll just let them be.
Manjusri's erm.. I-still-cannot-remember-which-year anniversary is today and so is Racial Harmony day! :)
It's kinda nice seeing old faces (and new as well) in Manjusri and I love that nostalgic feeling! It brings me back to last year..
The times we'd hide in 4h 2005 to eat home-bought food during recesses, we'd always head towards Singapore Post for fast food after school.. and there's just so much more memories. :)
Love my secondary school life.
The anniversary wasn't exactly fantastic. And to think they make us register to go for it, BUT we do not get seats and had to sit at the PAC while waiting for available standing area around the hall.
Performance's very very short. Hahahaha.
Joyce, Huixian and I headed to Bugis after the anniversary and I bought my Emilia pump. :)
Work tomorrow! Am so tired now; shall sleep already! Ciao!!
When there was me and you..
Publié par
7/21/2006 11:59:00 PM
I'm bored
I've negotiated with Stephanie (my manager, if you hadn't read the previous post) and I'd be covering my duties for the rest of July, work on Wednesdays only during August and work more during Steptember.
Sounds good to me. :) I bet she'd miss me if I just quit like this. Heehee.
Meanwhile, my mother will give me more money for helping out as well, and that will be triple the income I'd recieve! Yay. A good thing since my plan to save up $1k by end of this year isn't working, yet.
Manjusri's don't-know-what-year anniversary's tomorrow, or rather today, judging the time I'm posting this up! Yay. I'd finally be able to see familar faces. I am very confident that everyone had grown more handsome and prettier. :) Photos time!
Something's wrong with Blogger and it has been making my lines seem alot longer in the template after publishing and this causes my right column to go all the way down for IE, and such that less people are tagging. Sorry, dudes.
I hope I can hit town tomorrow! ;)
Publié par
7/21/2006 12:20:00 AM
mercredi, juillet 19, 2006
:( everything
I went to school with swollen and sore eyes.
So if you saw me around school in shades, sorry hor. I not trying to be a poseur, but I just don't want you to see me with ugly puffy eyes okay.
Shuyi lost her ring around Engineering block 10/11/13 Level 5 and the canteen (Short Circuit) area.. If you find the ring anywhere, please bring the ring to the Engineering General Office and do a good deed? It means alot..
Shuyi, sorry. It's like, partly my fault that you lost the ring. :( Isn't much I can do for you.. but really feeling very apologetic..
I am resigning from x:dous, I think. Since my parents are pretty much pointing a gun into my skull, I don't have much choice.
The fact that they didn't care just how much I love my job just make me so upset.
So did the fact that I've been with x:odus for good 7 months, and I love my job, and I like working for other people, and I get to
know alot of handsome and cute guys along the way while
They are so fucking selfish.
Or maybe, so am I as well ya.
Sigh. I guess that's the end of x:odus and me. Feeling pretty bad that I'd mess up the whole roster for July and August, now that Stephanie (my manager) will have to find new people and get the part-timers to work more. I'm so sorry.
It may be possible that I won't get to work at x:odus once more.
Oh well, at least I won't make a fool of myself by crying there.
Damn it. I want to cry again.
*after calming down*
Blogger's screwed. URGH.
Vote for Paul (and Gayle).
Publié par
7/19/2006 11:05:00 PM
Nailed it!
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
see see leh
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
how did u find sial
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
search X?
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
are u like al excited all over
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
search company: X
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
i really dont dare to view
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
i go see!!
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
i see for you
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
larer he know i viewed him how
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
use my acc la
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
ai mai
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
just let him know
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
YingTing must THINK before i spend says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
AMELIA | and it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is. says:
crazy zha bor
for you :D
Publié par
7/19/2006 12:33:00 AM
mardi, juillet 18, 2006
What comes around goes around
Lectures are a bore and sometimes you really just cannot concentrate on what the dumb I-know-I'm-talking-to-the-walls-and-chairs lecturers are well, lecturing.
Classic example will be me! I spend my lectures listening to my podpod, eating, decorating my notes and drawing cute stickmen all over, talking to Shuyi and Wanqi, disturbing WeiLing and Herman, sleeping and gossiping/bitching about my lecturemates.
Oh, so I am trying to talk about bitching.
It seems to be the most enjoyable topic to chat about during lectures.
"OMFG! That girl's make up until like ghost like that! The cheekbones so high. So scary!!"
"That girl like ah lian like that. Yucks!"
"That day the guys tell me they think she's like, the prettiest in the lecture hall. So yucks right!"
"I don't like the girl. Just don't like!"
"Eeeeek. That guy's in pink."
Hahaha. All the things we said just never fail to crack me up.
I was just thinking..
Karma right. Everything comes around goes around?
The rest of the lecture could be just talking about us also!
"Knn. The 3 girls in front of me eat until so loud."
And definitely,
"I think the girl sitting in the middle very pretty." ;)
Publié par
7/18/2006 10:54:00 PM
She's gone.
I'm so dependent on her that I really don't know what to do now.
She may never come back. What am I to do? :(
Publié par
7/18/2006 07:31:00 PM
Shoe Repairs
I've been working for x:odus for 7months and counting. And up till now, we have never reject a customer's request to repair spoilt shoes bought from our boutiques.
Even if we don't have the heels the customer lost, we'll take the effort to go to the cobbler ourselves to help the customer. We may charge the customer, but if it's really manufacture problem (e.g. wear once and the heel comes off), we'll absorb the amount.
And sometimes, when the shoes is soiled, stained or whatsoever, we give the customers cash vounchers so as to make them happy, and to keep them coming back as well!
What more can you ask for?
BUT, as usual, there's always a BUT..
Two boutiques at Far East Plaza apparently didn't care any less.
I wore both heels for like once, and then realised my heel caps' gone during the second wear, so I went back to them, hoping they'll be of some help.
But, NO!
"We do not provide repairing services and we do not have the heel caps in the store.. You can go to the cobbler.."
"I don't have the heel, you can try the cobbler.."
Call yourself a ladies' shoe shop when you don't have heel caps available for customers.
And more to add, you cannot help me is it.
It's not like the SHUKEY's fucking far. It's just on the same level as you are!!
Ta ma de.
And my heel didn't just drop like that, it came off, with parts still on the shoe. IT'S NOISY.
The salesgirl still can tell me," You can remove the heel of the other side, so will not be unbalanced."
WTH. If your left leg kena shot and need to cut off, will the doctor ask you to chop off the right leg so that, YAY! you won't be a cripple??
And so I had to repair the shoes myself and it costed so much.
Angry I am. Grrrr!
Publié par
7/18/2006 12:41:00 AM
lundi, juillet 17, 2006
Today, I woke up fairly early to get to school early to hand in our project.
I realised that I forgot to bring my handphone when I board the bus! After cursing, I walked back home to get it. I wanted to go to school without it, but it's impossible to meet the class since I cannot memorise any one of their numbers! My handphone wasted so much of my time, sucha that I had to hire a cab.
So expensive! $4.5o the moment I board the cab. (+ peak hour charge)
In the end, I reached too early, needa wait for my group members, and ended up missing my breakfast. :(
Shuyi and I have the same pencil case. :)
I went to town with YanHua and Joyce after school!
You see, I reserved a bracelet over there and it's so cute!
Get it at Blink blink at Heeren Level 5! There's only two pieces, and since I've got one, you can buy the other one!
(I lost the photo and Blogger doesn't allow me to upload it again. *^$@^(*^$^%#@!)
Guess who we saw at Takashimaya?
The next one is the best. Love Joyce for the perfect timing. =x
The idols are extremely nice and friendly people! :)
I got bored..
Yanhua and I bought similiar pairs of heels! But her's like 4inches, mine 2 or 1 1/2 only. Haha.
Joyce and the idols. :D
The 3 of us are happy because we got our pay together and we spent them together!
Publié par
7/17/2006 11:20:00 PM
dimanche, juillet 16, 2006
End of week 2
Sigh. Time flies even though you're not enjoying what you're doing and when you don't have enough sleep ya.
I don't have much to blog since my life is pretty much of a routine. No photos to load also, because camera's not with me and Blogger's not allowing me to for God knows what reasons.
My pay will be in my bank account tomorrow after 2pm. Boy, you have no idea just how long I've been waiting for this day! Been dying for money.. Haha. Gonna do some shopping with Joyce tomorrow with our frshly baked pays! Haha.
At the same time, do some man-hunting as well. :D
I realised that between x:odus PS and the travellators is the most amusing. I get to see losta stuff happening there.
For instance, yesterday I saw this young couple (probably 15/16 years old)who bmped into their group of friends (probably from school). The group mainly consists of young, innocent, and childish boys. They saw the couple and were like, WAH! Then they started daring the coupled guy to like, touch the girl. You know, hug her, kiss her, hug her from behind, all those kinda shit. And the coupled guy, loving the attention, did as told. The coupled girl looked so embarassed lah. Come on, save all these for the bedroom.
Plus, is having a relationship so much of a pride then to just love one another? The look on that coupled guy. Yucks. Sure, maybe his friends will be envious, jealous like how all the other bitter single souls felt.. But he's making his girl so uncomfortable. BAH.
Why am I talking so much about the couple anyway.
The travellator also let me see Stussy and someone. I don't know if it's coincidence or fate, but I just keep bumping into Stussy. It has been since January.....
But still.. hate the someone. :( Hate hate hate!! Go away lah!
Today's post is very random. Just wanna blog, but there's nothing much to talk about. =
Fleshimp's back. :)
Publié par
7/16/2006 11:24:00 PM
vendredi, juillet 14, 2006
Today, Shuyi and I finally get to eat McDonald's breakfast, which we have been planning since the start of Term2. HAHAHA.
Happy meal gives lousy Snoopy toy. :( Me want more cars!
After school, the class hit town to celebrate HUATLEE's birthday at
Seoul Garden!
F603 rocks! (Si Weiling shun from the camera. >=( )
Shuyi and me! Today we very en ai. Haha. We both wore black tees, shorts, adidas pink jackets and tote bags, without planning. :D
Whee~ Photoshop can do wonders.
I accompanied Shuyi to FarEast to get new pumps while the rest of the class went to pool. Dunno how Lecia fly one, she reached town rather efficiently.
We shopped abit and I bought a ZARA knitwear and a RIPCURL teal coin pouch. Heehee. Lecia was a huge spender today!
Urgh. I miss Stussy. *cough* *sneeze* *burp*
I'm crazy.
HAHA.. So cute.
Publié par
7/14/2006 11:07:00 PM
Just felt like blogging, but I've got nothing much to talk about.
Yeah, it's FRIDAY.
Publié par
7/14/2006 01:42:00 AM
mercredi, juillet 12, 2006
Here I am, with nothing better to do. URGH.
Or maybe there's stuff for me to do, but I just don't wa
Publié par
7/12/2006 10:29:00 PM
High School Musical
I just caught High School Musical under the influence of Amelia. Hahahaha.
So nice!
Zac Efron is CUTE lah!
You guys should catch it too. No cable, NEVER MIND. There's always YOUTUBE! :D
Bah. Tired. ADIS!
Anyway, because I was lousy and is a pig, I didn't managed to stay up entirely for the ITALY vs FRANCE match. Yes, we all know that ITALY won. But I think ZIDANE damn poor thing. Chech it out here if you didn't saw the part like me.
I like him one leh. So poor thing. And is that Italian guy insult his mother one. MEANIE.
For ZIDANE, I shall give up ITALIAN food..
For one day.
Publié par
7/12/2006 01:23:00 AM
mardi, juillet 11, 2006
I sleep on my way to school in the bus.
I sleep during Computer Programming lab lesson.
I eat during my lunch break.
I sleep during E. Maths lecture.
I sleep during Engineering Fundamentals lecture.
I slack during Effective Communication lab session.
I skip E. Maths tutorial.
I shouldn't have gone to school in the first place. Haha.
Well, so ITALY is the 2006 champion of WORLD CUP.
Huatlee owes me a treat now! Heehee.
Me likes Canavaro, I think he very man. Hahahaha.
Today's Daddy's birthday and we went to have dinner and Daddy bought a lappy for me. :D
VAIO VGN-FJ78GP/R (in red)
I am a happy girl now!
Will post up photos of my lappy when Daddy returns me my camera.
VAIO has a slot for SONY memory sticks and it'd be so convenient!
Publié par
7/11/2006 12:33:00 AM
dimanche, juillet 09, 2006
Amelia's day!
The 4th member of PAPERS to grow old.
We planned to have lunch at Marina Square's AZABU SABO and this is us while waiting for a table and Huixian (who's late for 1hour. Haha.).
We got so bored that Stefanie starts french-braiding Amelia's hair!
From Lecia's laughing expression, you can easily tell it's a joke. =x
While waiting for our food to arrive..Love her necklace!
We're married. :)
Lecia looked very sweet today with the braids. :)
This is not my friend. :D
After the sun came down, the moon came up and my mother was screaming for me to come home for dinner..
Stefanie's Sabo Style Ramen NoodleIt was wonderful! The soup is like damn salty, high in MSG and nice!
My Tempura BentoThe miso soup is DAMN NICE! I have too much side dishes like brinjgo (sorry, can't spell), pumpkin, green pepper (think 蠟筆小新) and mushroom! All not very nice. But the prawn and fish are wonderful. :)
The shared Sabo Style Seafood SaladJapanese cucumber, brocolli, red cabbage, tomato, sotong, scallop and prawn tossed in this very nice dressing with wasabi taste. Yum!
Huixian's Saba Style Seafood OmeletteThe omelette is nice! But Huixian (will salty) thinks that it's too salty. Haha. Irony! But Amelia and me likes it.
Lecia's Sukiyaki Bento (beef)Cannot really remember how's it like! The beef is great!
Joyce and Amelia's Sabo Style Teriyaki Chicken BentoLove the chopped egg pieces on top of the rice! The chicken damn nice also. I think Joyce's in loveee with it! Haha.
Stefanie and her wig beef/pork/whatever it is.
lEFTOVERS! Tsk tsk.
If you're thinking of dining at SABO, please TRY their desserts. Very nice.
Huixian and Amelia's MattchazenThe dumplings (fishball-lookalike) are to die for.
Joyce and Stefanie's Green Tea Sundae I don't really fancy Green tea icecream. :( But the soft ice-cream (vanilla) is GOOD!
My Chocolate SundaeIT'S WONDERFUL! Wonderful for chocoholics, like ME! :D Stefanie not included.
It was Amelia's treat and THANK YOU, DARLING! I had a wonderful lunch!
After that, we wanted to go to town since there are no neoprint machines in the city, and we saw huge posters.BALLACK! (Germany)
RAUL! (Spain) (Why not Torres. :( )
LAMPARD! (England)
KAKA! (Brasil)
Joyce wants the best of two worlds.
Stop dreaming, girl! :D
Huixian and Amelia only busied themselves with Lampard and Kaka. Haha.
We took neoprints at Heeren and we gave Amelia her presents!
Caroline heels from x:odus :)TEN pairs of earrings for our darling!
I know it sounds crazy, but a girl can never have too much earrings right?
PAPERS. Love these girls. :)Heehee. Lecia helped me in my braids.
The 3 of us on the bus. :)
Today had been a very nice day, though short, but still very nice.
Amelia, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is the third year PAPERS is celebrating your birthday for you and I hope that we'd lose count one day! I hope you like our presents ya! And always remember I still love you although you're old and wrinkly now. :) *muacks*
Sorry ah, if I lag your whole computer with my photos. But I'm sure you love eyecandies. ;)
Publié par
7/09/2006 08:58:00 PM