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    mercredi, juillet 12, 2006

    High School Musical

    I just caught High School Musical under the influence of Amelia. Hahahaha.

    So nice!

    Zac Efron is CUTE lah!

    You guys should catch it too. No cable, NEVER MIND. There's always YOUTUBE! :D

    Bah. Tired. ADIS!


    Anyway, because I was lousy and is a pig, I didn't managed to stay up entirely for the ITALY vs FRANCE match. Yes, we all know that ITALY won. But I think ZIDANE damn poor thing. Chech it out here if you didn't saw the part like me.


    I like him one leh. So poor thing. And is that Italian guy insult his mother one. MEANIE.

    For ZIDANE, I shall give up ITALIAN food..

    For one day.

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