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    vendredi, avril 08, 2005

    wahaha !
    Time : 7.10 pm

    English Genius
    You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 80% Advanced, and 80% Expert!

    You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

    Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

    For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

    wahaha ! im a English genius. x) go try out too when you're free.

    school is fine today. had PE ! ran 3 rounds only and im so proud of myself. *megawatt grin* came in third. woah ! okay, maybe my class girls were slacking abit, but this is a huge achievement for someone who hardly runs. anyway, i sweated like a bull and that sucks.
    disgusting Koonann went to clean his sweat with MY uniform. argh !! maggie early-departed. :) rest well, girl ! lessons were fine. Stefanie wasn't in school too. :( was pushed into the boys' toilet after CV. boohoo. stupid Rakcent. and !! the guys inside simply refuse to let me exit. dammit. was so helpless can ! Kianchang and Rakcent started filming me struggling to open the door too.
    too bad those guys in the toilet weren't hunks. LOL. had Maths and English. left school and accompanied Cheechai to wait for Patrick.Weihao.Chenglong. kept playing with Cheechai's apron. =x Weihao was rejected ! lol. cheerup guy ! :) it's not the end of the world, and Chenglong ought to be more relaxed. lol. and that dumb Patrick kept hitting my head.
    had lunch at Mac and went to the library to search for recipes. :) settled on 2 good-looking desserts ! now im in a dilimma. which one to choose ?? pudding or chocolate-dipped fruits? help guys ! went to Joyce's house after that to visit the loo and tortured her poor hippo. anyway, it's already spoilt lah, so it doesn't really make a difference what i did to it. :D
    went home and that Kokhong conned me ! his ez-link was money-less and i had had no change ! so embarassing once again. plus, the bus is so bloody crowed. always gt squashed by all those students.
    im hungry.
    if only those words were for real. if only they really apply to realife. why can't that just happen? why can't it be true?

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