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    mardi, mai 10, 2005

    On Hiatus
    YingTing had been consumed by the MidYears and will not be able to blog due to fatness, tiredness, latargetic-ness, weariness, stress, white hair, palm corns, insomnia, etc. However, she will return soon after Next Wednesday.
    i must stop blogging and concentrate on my studies.
    Those people who asked me to photocopy History notes ought to salute, kiss my ass, hug and treat me like a God from now. i've TYPED out word by word from the notes cause the school one's overcrowded and u had to pay $5.40 for a set of notes (crazyville). ): poor me and my maid. woppie ~ back to Physics.
    hiatus hiatus ! make no point to read my blog this week.
    maths Paper 1, Social Studies

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