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    dimanche, mai 01, 2005

    why Choir so different?
    Time : 2.20 pm

    i was reading everyone's blogs about them stepping down. all of them are sad and the posts are bombaded with pictures and more pictures of joy and puffy red eyes. plus! the posts will also thank everyone, and state just how much they didn't want to leave.

    Why choir so different?

    just a buffet. informing us that we should buy Mothers' Day cakes for forget-what-purpose (i think it's some carity or what), and about a trip at the end-year, which we can join too, if we wanted. then Mdm Lam talked. saying what achievement what achievement. no one was crying. in fact, why should we cry when there's nth touching or sentimental in the speeches that we should cry abt?

    when everything ends. we left the room happily. TO EAT. everyone was happy. -.-" except for Mrs Kong, cuase she wasn't happy that we were giving Kelly.Siewling.HuiRu food.

    gee.. why the difference? i wouldn't cry even if some were crying though. BUT.. Choir's stepped out people are so different from the rest. LOL. when leaving, i even felt like saying, "for good gradiance!" or maybe some people are crying. but that's n0t the point. why no pictures ?? don't wanna remember this batch of people hah. sheesh.

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