Because I tweet more often than I blog.

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    dimanche, mai 15, 2005

    The Revenge of the Blackheads.
    Time : 2.35 pm

    *hold my blackhead remover and Blackmores Blackhead remover cream*


    i'll salvage my forehead (i know! it's weird for them to multiply there.) to it's old glamourous crown. (alright. maybe not so.)

    Me, the one and only YingTing
    Pledge myself as 1 united forehead
    regardless of oil, blackheads or pimples
    *some text missing*
    (i suddenly forget the pledge! oh bother.)

    blackheads blackheads go away! im not afraid of pain! just go !

    i see pimples popping out soon.
    monthly visits. *sigh*

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